Identification of novel microcephaly-linked protein ABBA that mediates cortical progenitor cell division and corticogenesis through NEDD9-RhoA

  1. Aix Marseille Univ, INSERM, INMED, Marseille, France
  2. Neuroscience Center, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  3. Helsinki Institute of Life Science, HiLIFE
  4. Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  5. Aix Marseille Univ, Inserm, MMG, Marseille, France
  6. Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  7. Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Samuel Pleasure
    University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Sacha Nelson
    Brandeis University, Waltham, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

The manuscript investigates the role of the membrane-deforming cytoskeletal regulator protein Abba in cortical development and its potential implications for microcephaly. It is a valuable contribution to the understanding of Abba's role in cortical development. The strengths and weaknesses identified in the manuscript are outlined below:

Clinical Relevance:

The authors identified a patient with microcephaly and a patient with an intellectual disability harboring a mutation in the Abba variant (R671W) adding a clinically relevant dimension to the study.

Mechanistic Insights:

The study offers valuable mechanistic insights into the development of microcephaly by elucidating the role of Abba in radial glial cell proliferation, radial fiber organization, and the migration of neuronal progenitors. The identification of Abba's involvement in the cleavage furrow during cell division, along with its interaction with Nedd9 and positive influence on RhoA activity, adds depth to our understanding of the molecular processes governing cortical development. Though the reported results establish the novel interaction between Abba and Nedd9, the authors have not addressed whether the mutant protein loses this interaction and whether that results in the observed effects.

In Vivo Validation:

The overexpression of mutant Abba protein (R671W) resulting in phenotypic similarities to Abba knockdown effects supports the significance of Abba in cortical development.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


Carabalona and colleagues investigated the role of the membrane-deforming cytoskeletal regulator protein Abba (MTSS1L/MTSS2) in cortical development to better understand the mechanisms of abnormal neural stem cell mitosis. The authors used short hairpin RNA targeting Abba20 with a fluorescent reporter coupled with in-utero electroporation of E14 mice to show changes to neural progenitors. They performed flow cytometry for in-depth cell cycle analysis of Abba-shRNA impact on neural progenitors and determined an accumulation in the S phase. Using culture rat glioma cells and live imaging from cortical organotypic slides from mice in utero electroporated with Abba-shRNA, the authors found Abba played a prominent role in cytokinesis. They then used a yeast-two-hybrid screen to identify three high-confidence interactors: Beta-Trcp2, Nedd9, and Otx2. They used immunoprecipitation experiments from E18 cortical tissue coupled with C6 cells to show Abba's requirement for Nedd9 localization to the cleavage furrow/cytokinetic bridge. The authors performed a shRNA knockdown of Nedd9 by in-utero electroporation of E14 mice and observed similar results as with the Abba-shRNA. They tested a human variant of Abba using in-utero electroporation of cDNA and found disorganized radial glial fibers and misplaced, multipolar neurons, but lacked the impact of cell division seen in the shRNA-Abba model.


A fundamental question in biology about the mechanics of neural stem cell division.

Directly connecting effects in Abba protein to downstream regulation of RhoA via Nedd9.

Incorporation of human mutation in ABBA gene.

Use of novel technologies in neurodevelopment and imaging.


Unexplored components of the pathway (such as what neurogenic populations are impacted by Abba mutation) and unleveraged aspects of their data (such as the live imaging) limit the scope of their findings and leave significant questions about the effect of ABBA on radial glia development.

(1) The claim of disorganized radial glial fibers lacks quantifications.
On page 11, the authors claim that knockdown of Abba leads to changes in radial glial morphology observed with vimentin staining. Here they claim misoriented apical processes, detached end feet, and decreased number of RGP cells in the VZ. However, they do not provide quantification of process orientation to better support their first claim. Measurements of radial glia fiber morphology (directionality, length) and angle of division would be metrics that can be applied to data. Some of these analyses could be done in their time-lapse microscopy images, such as to quantify the number of cell divisions during their period of analysis (though that is short-15 hours).

(2) It is unclear where the effect is:

-In RG or neuroblasts? Is it in cell cleavage that results in the accumulation of cells at VZ (as sometimes indicated by their data like in Figure 2A or 4D)? Interrogation of cell death (such as by cleaved caspase 3) would also help. Given their time-lapse, can they identify what is happening to the RG fiber? The authors describe a change in "migration" but do not show evidence for this for either progenitor or neuroblast populations. Given they have nice time-lapse imaging data, could they visualize progenitor versus young neuron migration? Analysis of neuroblasts (such as with doublecortin expression in the tissue) would also help understand any issues in migration (of neurons v stem cells).

-At cleavage furrow? In abscission? There is high-resolution data that highlights the cleavage furrow as the location of interest (Figure 3A), however, there is also data (Figure 3B) to suggest Abba is expressed elsewhere as well and there is an overall soma decrease. More detail of the localization of Abba during the division process would be helpful for example, could cleavage furrow proteins, such as Aurora B, co-localization (and potentially co-IP) help delineate subpopulations of Abba protein? Furthermore, the FRET imaging is a unique way to connect their mutation with function - could they measure/quantify differences at furrow compared to the rest of soma to further corroborate that the Abba-associated RhoA effect was furrow-enriched?

-The data highlights nicely that a furrow doesn't clearly form when ABBA expression and subsequent RhoA activity are decreased (in Figure 3 or 5A). Does this lead to cells that can't divide because of poor abscission, especially since "rounding" still occurs? Or abnormal progenitors (with loss of fiber or inability to support neuroblast migration)? Or abnormal progression of progenitors to neuroblasts?

(3) Limited to a singular time point of mouse cortical development

On page 13, the authors outline the results of their Y2H screen with the identification of three high-confidence interactors. Notably, they used an E10.5-E12.5 mouse brain embryo library rather than one that includes E14, the age of their in-utero electroporation mice. Many of the authors' claims focus on in-utero electroporation of shRNA-Abba of E14 mice that are then evaluated at E16-18. Justification for the focus on this age range should be included to support that their findings can then be applied to all mouse corticogenesis.

(4) Detail of the effect of the human variant of the ABBA mutation in mice is lacking.

Their identification of the R671W mutation is interesting and the IUE model warrants more characterization, as they did with their original KD experiments.

-Could they show that Abba protein levels are decreased (in either cell lines or electroporated tissue)?

-While time-lapse morphology might not have been performed, more analysis on cell division phenotype (such as plane of division and radial glia morphology) would be helpful.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation