Pre- and post-synaptic features of original and ectopic IHCs in Cldn9+/+ and Cldn9+/T mice.
A, The innervation of calretinin (Calb2)-positive afferent neurons (red) of an original and ectopic IHCs (marked *, and **) from a 5-wks-old Cldn9+/Tmouse cochlea. Dapi (blue) labeled the nuclei. Arrows point to the nerve terminals. Scale bar = 5 μm. B, CtBP2 labeled (red) pre-synapse and Homer1 labeled (green) post-synapse in the cochlear IHCs in the Cldn9+/+ and Cldn9+/T mice. The original IHC (IHCO) and ectopic IHC (IHCE) outlines are marked with purple and cyan dashed lines. The two right panels show a 3-D rendition of the pre-and post-synaptic markers in Cldn9+/+ and Cldn9+/T cochleae. Scale bar = 5 μm. C, Quantification of the number of pre- (red) and post-synaptic (green) immunopuncta at three tonotopic cochlear locations: apex (3-5 kHz), middle (12-16 kHz), and base (32-40 kHz) from 8-wk-old Cldn9+/+(open circles) and Cldn9+/T (solid circles) mice. Colocalized pre- and post-synaptic marker counts per IHC are shown in yellow. Values (mean ± SD) are illustrated (p < 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 = *, **, ***). Comparing pre-, post-synaptic and colocalized markers for apical IHCs, between Cldn9+/+ (n = 56 from 3 mice) and Cldn9+/T (n = 117 from 4 mice) the p values were pre- p = 2.2X10-42, post-=3.5X10-30, co-expression, 4.3X10-34. For mid-cochlea IHCs, between Cldn9+/+(n = 29 from 3 mice) and Cldn9+/T (n = 79 from 4 mice) the p values were pre- p = 1.7X10-19, post- =1.3X10-14, co-expression, 2.5X10-18. For basal-cochlea IHCs, between Cldn9+/+(n = 97 from 3 mice) and Cldn9+/T (n = 94 from 4 mice) the p values were pre- p = 3.5X10-27, post- =8.2X10-27, co-expression, 2.9X10-26. D, analysis of synaptic features among IHCO and IHCE in Cldn9+/T cochlea. At the cochlea apex, comparing pre- post- and colocalized markers between IHCO (n = 76 from 3 mice) and IHCE (n = 41 from 3 mice), the p values were pre- p = 7.0X10-2, post- = 9.0X10-3, co-expression = 7.0X10-2. For mid-cochlea comparing pre-, post- and colocalized markers between IHCO (n = 48 from 3 mice) and IHCE (n = 30 from 3 mice) the p values were pre- p = 1.4X10-4, post- = 8.9X10-5, co-expression, 1.7X10-5. For basal-cochlea comparing pre-, post- and colocalized markers between IHCO (n = 65 from 3 mice) and IHCE (n =22 from 3 mice) the p values were pre- p = 9.0X10-2, post- = 1.0X10-2, co-expression, 5.0X10-2.