Phylogenetic and spatio-temporal analysis of 253 clinical ST-621 P. aeruginosa isolates.
(A) SNP-based, core genome phylogeny. Outbreak subclones are colored with red (SC1) or blue (SC2) branches. From inner- to outermost, datasets show: the year, the floor, the building, and the source of isolation. Patients with prolonged carriage (>1 year) are indicated. (B) Timeline of isolate collection. Each line indicates a single patient. Isolates are shown as dots colored by the floor the patient was on. Patients with prolonged carriage are highlighted. (C) Mock floor plan of the Main (light blue) and Tower (dark blue) Buildings of Facility A. Wards and floors are numbered. For each floor, a pie chart indicates the proportion of isolates collected from urine, respiratory, or other cultures. Within each ward, isolates are colored by year of collection with a red outline indicating primary isolates. Symbols indicate the presumed origin of infection. (D) Bar charts showing for each year the number of: all P. aeruginosa primary clinical isolates collected at Facility A (bottom), the subset of genome-sequenced primary isolates (middle), and the subset of identified ST-621 isolates (top). Bars are color-coded by the isolation source. (E) Distribution of SNP distances for all inter-patient isolates or subsets collected in the same month, the same ward, or both. Dotted lines indicate the local maxima.