Selective ER modulators and degraders induce DNA binding measurable through htSMT
a) Diffusion state probability distribution for ER treated with 100 nM of exemplified SERMs and SERDs. Shaded regions represent the S.D.
b) Change in fbound as a function of a 12-pt dose titration of fulvestrant (5), 4-OHT (6), GDC-0810 (8), AZD9496 (9), or GDC-0927 (10) with fitted curve. Compounds colored as in (a). Error bars represent the SEM of three replicates.
c) Change in fbound as a function of time after agonist or antagonist addition, fitted with a single exponential. Compounds colored as in (a). Estradiol (1, green) and DMSO added for comparison. Error bars represent SEM.
d) Maximum effect of SERMs and SERDs on fbound . Each box represents quartiles while whiskers denote the 5-95th percentiles of single well measurements, measured over a minimum of four days with at least 8 wells per compound per day.
e) Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching of ER-Halo cells, treated either with DMSO alone or with 100 nM SERM/D. Curves are the mean ± SEM for 18-24 cells, colored as in (a). Error bands represent SEM.
f) Quantification of FRAP recovery curves to measure recovery 2 minutes after photobleaching. Whiskers denote the 5-95th percentiles of single cell measurements.
g) Quantification long-lived tracks, each point representing the fraction of trajectories greater than 10 seconds for a single biological replicate consisting of 3-10 wells per condition. Dashed line represents the median fraction of trajectories lasting longer than 10 sec for Histone H2B-Halo, which is the upper limit of measurement sensitivity.