Fshr-ZsGreen expression in adipose tissues.
A. Confocal imaging of Fshr-ZsGreen expression in frozen sections of inguinal WAT. The whole image of a piece of the inguinal WAT was imaged under confocal microscopy with a low magnification (40X), and three representative areas were also presented with a higher magnification (400X) showing low and high cellular densities (low-b and high-a and c). These images demonstrate Fshr-ZsGreen expression in the cellular membranes of adipocytes.
B. IF staining of Fshr-ZsGreen-positive adipocytes with an antibody against mouse Ucp1. To identify the beige cells in WAT, we performed IF staining with an antibody against mouse Ucp1. Positive staining for Ucp1 was colocalized within Fshr-ZsGreen-positive cells in the areas with a higher cell density (a and b) imaged at low magnification, as shown in the left panels, while higher magnification images are shown in the right panels (a and d). In addition, strong Fshr-ZsGreen expression was observed in the arterioles of WAT (c and d). Arrows: white empty arrows indicate beige cells; white arrows point to white adipocytes, and empty arrowheads indicate GFP-positive arterioles. Magnifications: 400X for a and c; 1000X for b and d. Scale bars: 50 μm for a and c and 20 μm for b and d.
C. Fluorescence images of Fshr-ZsGreen expression in frozen sectioned BAT. A whole image of BAT was imaged under confocal fluorescence microscopy at low magnification (a, 40X). Three representative areas are also presented at a higher magnification (b, c and d, 400X), which clearly show the Fshr-ZsGreen expressed in the cells of BAT and skeletal muscles in the right parts of the images (b and c). Abbreviation: M-muscle. Arrows: white arrows indicate strong Fshr-ZsGreen expression in BAT cells. Magnifications: 40X for a and 40°C for b, c and d. Scale bars: 100 μm for a and 50 μm for b, c and d.
D. Identification of brown adipocytes in BAT by IF staining. Brown fat cells were identified using an antibody against mouse Ucp1. Ucp1 staining is shown at lower magnification (40X) in the left panel covering a whole piece of BAT. Three representative areas are imaged at higher magnifications (a, b and c, 400X and 1000X), showing Fshr-ZsGreen colocalization with Ucp1-positive staining. Magnifications and scale bars are indicated in the figure.
E. Examination of peripheral neural fibers within BAT. To determine whether Fshr-ZsGreen is expressed in the peripheral nerves in BAT, we performed IF staining with an antibody against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for peripheral sympathetic neurons. A whole piece of BAT was imaged at a lower magnification (40X) after being stained for TH, as shown in the left panel. Representative areas are presented in the right panels with higher magnifications (400X –a, b and c and 1000X-d, e and f, respectively). Arrows: red outlined arrowheads indicate Fshr-ZsGreen– and TH-positive large peripheral nerves; green outlined arrowheads point to Th-stained nerve fibrils accompanying Fshr-ZsGreen-positive nerve fibrils around a Fshr-ZsGreen-positive arteriole; red arrows indicate Fshr-ZsGreen– and TH-positive nerve fibrils; and white arrows indicate brown adipocytes with both Fshr-ZsGreen and TH expression. Magnifications: 40X for the whole image of BAT in the left panel; 400X for a, b and c; and 1000X for a, e, and f. Scale bars: indicated in the images.
F. Further confirmation of Fshr-ZsGreen expression in the peripheral nerves. To confirm Fshr-ZsGreen expression in peripheral neurons, we also employed another antibody against Peripherin (Peri), a 57-kD type III intermediate filament that is a specific marker for peripheral neurons, to further identify peripheral neurons in BAT. The left panel shows an entire image of the BAT stained for Peri at a lower magnification (40X). The three representatives are shown in the right panel: a. the first area located in the edge of the BAT with more white adipocytes; b. the second area with more brown adipocytes and a large peripheral nerve; c. the last area enriched with brown adipocytes. Their corresponding higher magnifications (1000X) are shown in a, e and f, respectively. Abbrev.: LNF-large never fibril. Arrows: Empty white arrows-small peripheral fibrils; white arrow-Fshr-ZsGreen-positive fibrils and empty white arrows-both Fshr-ZsGreen– and Peri-positive brown adipocytes. Magnifications: 40X for the t panel; 400X for a, b, and c and 1000X for d, e and f. Scale bars: 1000 μm for the whole images in the left panel; 50 μm for a, b and c, and 20 μm for d, e and f.