Microglia and macrophages, but not neurons and glia, are chimeric in the marmoset brain.
(A) Two-dimensional visualization (tSNE plot) of marmoset CJ028’s snRNA-seq profiles from 8 brain regions. (B) Expression of markers of microglia and macrophages in microglia, macrophages, neurons, glia (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, polydendrocytes, ependymal cells) and endothelial cells. y-axis: expression levels, measured as numbers of detected transcripts (unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), a measure of transcript abundance) from that gene per 100,000 total. Microglia markers: TREM2, LAPTM5, C3; macrophage markers: F13A1, LYVE1. Data from all CJ028’s brain regions. (C) Donor assignment of each nucleus to one of three possible donors (host, sibling1 or sibling2) of marmoset CJ028’s brain snRNA-seq data. x-axis: number of UMI that contains SNPs for which the host and sibling’s genomes differ, in log10 scale; y-axis: inferred likelihood that the cell has host genome minus likelihood that the cell has sibling genome (log10). Data from all of CJ028’s brain regions. (D) Fractions of cells with a sibling’s genome among microglia, macrophages, and other brain cell types (neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, polydendrocytes, ependyma, endothelial) from 11 marmosets. CJ001, CJ023 and CJ028 were part of a triplet litter and the chimerism fraction of each birth sibling is shown in separate panels. y-axis: fraction of sibling-cells in the cell type. vertical bars: binomial confidence interval (95%). P-values: Chi-square test from comparison of chimerism fractions in microglia and macrophage; * (P-value<0.05). (E) Sibling contributions to microglial (x-axis) and macrophage (y-axis) populations in the same animals. Dots and bars are from (D). Pearson correlation R=0.32, 95% confidence interval (−0.26 to 0.73), P-value=0.27.