Pillar and high SR synapses have sEPSCs with faster rising times.
A. Kinetics of sEPSCs, such as amplitude, 10-90% rise time, time constant of decay (τdecay) and full-width half-maximum (FWHM), were calculated with Neuromatic (Rothman and Silver, 2018). Bi-Bii. Cumulative fraction of amplitude and charge of sEPSCs from low and high SR synapses. C-E. Pillar synapses had faster 10-90% rise times (C) than modiolar synapses (p = 0.0111, unpaired t-test), while their τdecay (D) and FWHM (E) were comparable. F-H. High SR synapses had faster 10-90% rise times (F) than modiolar synapses (p = 0.0420, unpaired t-test), while their τdecay (G) and FWHM (H) were comparable.
Whisker plots represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles with the individual data points overlaid. Synapses were classified as △ pillar or ❍ modiolar, and as Low SR < 1 sEPSC/s or High SR > 1 sEPSC/s.