KV1.8−/− type II hair cells had larger, slower voltage responses and more electrical resonance.
(A) Passive membrane properties near resting membrane potential: A.1) Resting potential. Rinput(A.2) and τRC (A.3) were obtained from single exponential fits to voltage responses < 15 mV. See Table 5 for statistics.
(B)Exemplar voltage responses to iterated current steps (bottom) illustrate key changes in gain and resonance with KV1.8 knockout. (B.1) KV1.8+/– type II HC (P24, LES) and (B.2) KV1.8−/− type II HC (P53, LES). Arrowheads, depolarizing transients.
(C)Range of resonance illustrated for KV1.8−/− type II HCs (left, pink curves fit to Eq. 5) and controls (right, blue fits). (C.1) Resonant frequencies, left to right: 19.6, 18.4, 34.4, 0.3 Hz. Leftmost cell resonated spontaneously (before step). (C.2) Tuning quality (Qe; Eq. 6) was higher for KV1.8−/− type II HCs (KWA, p = 0.0064 vs. KV1.8+/+; p = 7E-8 vs. KV1.8+/–).
(D)KV1.8−/− type II HCs had higher, slower peaks and much slower rebound potentials in response to large (170-pA) current steps. (D.1) Normalized to show initial depolarizing transient (filled circles, times of peaks; horizontal arrows, peak width at half-maximum). (D.2) Longer time scale to highlight how null mutation reduced post-transient rebound.
(E)In KV1.8−/− HCs, depolarizing transients evoked by a +90-pA step were slower to peak (E.1) and (E.2) larger.