Excitatory drive from a single ExNR is sufficient to trigger polysynaptic inhibition.
A. Diagram shows connections tested for polysynaptic inhibition.
B. Example of connected ExNR → Bist pair where efficiency of synaptic transmission was sufficient to reliably trigger a postsynaptic AP. Subthreshold EPSPs were observed in 10% of ExNR → Bist and 7% 0f ExNR → BC pairs.
C. Polysynaptic IPSPs recorded at ExNR → CA1Pyr. Recruitment of an extra interneuron that receives excitatory drive from the stimulated ExNR and innervates the recorded CA1Pyr was confirmed by the disynaptic delay of IPSPs relative to the peak of AP and the complete occlusion of IPSPs in the presence of an AMPAR antagonist (CNQX; blue trace).
D. Schematic representation of the experimental setup (upper panel): 16-channel electrode array for local field potential (LFP) recording from the pyramidal layer and patch-clamp recording from the ExNR in striatum radiatum. The micrograph (bottom panel) of the hippocampal slice shows the location of the extracellular electrodes and patch pipette.
E. Averaged LFP and current source density profile in the hippocampal pyramidal layer relative to the peak of evoked action potential (AP) of the ExNR (upper panel). Averaged AP of the ExNR (bottom panel; blue trace), LFP for channel #11 (black trace, also marked with an asterisk in the top panel), and the first derivative of Vm of the averaged AP waveform (Vm/Δt, green trace). The LFP trace shows the 4 parameters calculated for all experiments (AP1 to AP2 delay, AP2 amplitude, fIPSP amplitude, AP1 to fIPSP peak time) AP1 is the negative peak on the LFP that coincides in shape with the first derivative of the AP (Vm/Δt) and therefore represents LFP fluctuation caused by evoked AP in ExNR. AP2, following AP1 with a characteristic monosynaptic delay, reflects activity in the second neuron excited by the stimulated ExNR. Finally, the fIPSP following AP2 suggests the GABAergic nature of the second neuron.
(F) Box plots show medians (P25; P75) and corresponding individual values for the following parameters: AP1 to AP2 delay and AP1 to fIPSP delay (upper panel); AP2 and fIPSP amplitudes, (bottom panel).