Synaptic currents within the pools.
Average excitatory (panel A) and inhibitory (panel B) synaptic currents of neurons within each group as a function of simulated time. The three circles and the dashed lines mark three time ranges for which the synaptic currents are compared across pools, namely before stimulation (t = − 500 ms to t =− 5 ms, marked as 1, panel C), during first stimulation (t = − 5 ms to t = 45 ms, marked as 2, panel D), and during the second stimulation (t = − 5 ms + ∆t to t =− 5 ms + ∆t + 50 ms marked as 3, panel E). For each case, average excitatory (blue curves), inhibitory (red curves), and overall currents (black curves) are shown for each pool as a function of the duration encoded in each pool.