Gestational and maternal phenotyping of Prlrlox/lox/Camk2aCre and Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre mice and their respective Prlrlox/lox controls.
(A-H) Data show gestational weight gain (A; Prlrlox/lox n = 11, Prlrlox/lox/Camk2aCre n = 11; E; Prlrlox/lox n = 31, Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre n =27), gestation length (B; Prlrlox/lox n = 11, Prlrlox/lox/Camk2aCre n = 11; F; Prlrlox/lox n = 31, Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre n =27), number of live pups on day 3 of lactation (C; Prlrlox/lox n = 11; Prlrlox/lox/Camk2aCre n = 11; G; Prlrlox/lox n = 31, Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre n =27), and litter weight gain between day 3-8 of lactation (D; Prlrlox/lox n = 8; Prlrlox/lox/Camk2aCre n = 8) or day 3-20 of lactation (H; Prlrlox/lox n = 22, Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre n = 20). There were no differences in any of these parameters (A, C, E, G, unpaired two-tailed t test; B, F, Mann Whitney test; D, H, repeated measures mixed effect analysis, fixed effects (type III) with Šídák’s multiple comparisons test. Grey = Prlrlox/lox; blue A-D = Prlrlox/lox/Camk2aCre, blue E-H = Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre. Some Prlrlox/lox and Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre mice were euthanised prior to day 20 lactation due to COVID-19 lockdown (Prlrlox/lox n = 5, Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre n = 5), due to showing estrus and therefore euthanised 2 hours following blood sampling, or when being used as a control for one of these mice (Prlrlox/lox n =2, Prlrlox/lox/Kiss1Cre n = 2), or due to a litter losing weight (Prlrlox/lox n =1). Values are shown as mean ± SEM.