recB mRNAs are low abundant, short-lived and constitutively expressed.
A: Schematic description of the recBCD locus, its location on the E. coli chromosome and the corresponding mRNAs. B: Examples of fluorescence and bright-field images of recB mRNA FISH experiments in wild-type (WT) and ∆recB strains. Scale bars represent 2 μm. C: Total recB mRNA distribution quantified with smFISH and presented in molecule numbers per cell. The histogram represents the average across three replicated experiments; error bars reflect the maximum difference between the repeats. Total number of cells, included in the distribution, is 15,638. D: recB degradation rate measured in a time-course experiment where transcription initiation was inhibited with rifampicin. Mean mRNA counts, calculated from the total mRNA distributions for each time point, were normalized to the mean mRNA number at time t = 0 and represented in the natural logarithmic scale. Vertical error bars represent the standard error of the mean (s.e.m.); horizontal errors are given by experimental uncertainty on time measurements. Shaded area shows the time interval used for fitting. The red line is the fitted linear function, − γmt, where γm is the recB mRNA degradation rate. The final degradation rate was calculated as the average between two replicated time-course experiments (Table 7). E: recB mRNA molecule numbers per cell from the experiments in Fig. 1C shown as a function of cell area. The black circles represent the data binned by cell size and averaged in each group (mean +/-s.e.m.). The solid line connects the averages across three neighbouring groups. Based on the mean mRNA numbers, all cells were separated into three sub-populations: newborns, cells in transition and adults. F: Experimental data from Fig. 1C conditioned on cell size (<3.0 μm2, newborns; total cell number is 2,180) fitted by a negative binomial distribution, NB(r, p). The Kullback–Leibler divergence between experimental and fitted distributions is DKL = 0.002.