The POA contains neurons that increase Fos expression in single-housed females following same-sex interactions.
(A) Schematic of experiment to measure Fos expression in group-housed and single-housed females following same-sex social interactions. (B) Total time spent engaged in resident-initiated social investigation for group-housed residents (teal) and single-housed residents (maroon). (C) Same as (B), for proportion of trials with resident-initiated mounting. (D) Same as (B), for total USVs recorded from pairs containing group-housed or single-housed residents. (E) Left-most image shows the location of the POA in a coronal brain section. Representative confocal images show Fos expression (green) in the POA of a group-housed female (left) and a single-housed female (right) following same-sex social interactions. Blue, Neurotrace. (F) Quantification of Fos-positive neurons is shown for the POA (left), the VMH (middle), and the caudolateral PAG (right) for group-housed and single-housed females. Open bars show data from females that did not engage in social interactions with novel females (baseline), and closed bars show data from females following social interactions with novel females (interaction). (G) Total time spent in resident-initiated interaction is plotted for 17-day single-housed (maroon) and re-group-housed females (teal) during same-sex interactions that occurred prior to isolation (day 0), following 3 days of isolation (day 3), and on the test day (day 17). (H) Same as (G), for total resident-initiated mounting time. (I) Same as (G), for total USVs. (J) Quantification of Fos-positive POA neurons is shown for 17-day single-housed females (maroon) and re-group-housed females (teal).