Screening GlnBP(111C-192C) for rapid within-burst FRET dynamics.
Confocal-based single-molecule FRET results for GlnBP doubly-labeled at residues 111 and 192 with AF555 and AF647, in the apo state, near the KD, and holo state. (A) Burst variance analysis showing a weak signature of within-burst FRET dynamics. (B) Histograms of E* values of bursts, (C) E* versus S* 2D histograms of bursts, (D) 2D scatter plots of bursts classified by mpH2MM, with colors corresponding to which state(s) are present within the burst as determined with the Viterbi algorithm. Locations of states are given by red circles, and black crosses represent the SD of E* and S* values of dwells within each state. (E) E* versus S* 2D scatter plots of dwells in mpH2MM-detected states within bursts detected by the Viterbi algorithm. Red circles and black crosses are same as in (D). Arrows and adjacent numbers indicate transition rates in s-1 units. Transitions with rates less than 100 s-1 are omitted, since such slow transitions are improbable to occur within single-molecule bursts with durations shorter than 10 ms and are most probably a mathematical outcome of the mpH2MM framework. The dispersion of the E* and S* values of dwells in mpH2MM-detected states are due to the short dwell times in these states, where the shorter the dwell time in a state is, the lower the number of photons it will include, and hence the larger the uncertainty will be in the calculation of E* and S* values of dwells. E* and S* are E* and S* values uncorrected for background, since in mpH2MM all photons within bursts are taken into account, including ones that might be due to background.