Associative plasticity of AA and PF inputs.
A, top. Whole cell recording in a PC. Two stimulation electrodes are used to activate GC inputs: one in the molecular layer to stimulate PFs (orange), and one in the GC layer to stimulate AAs (blue). The test stimulation protocol is depicted with colors and symbols as used in the plots in the following sections for the first (closed) and the second EPSCs (open). Middle, AA- and PF-PSCs sampled with a pair of pulses (dt = 50 ms), every 10 s. Traces from one experiment: average AA-PSC (blue) and PF-PSC (orange), before (5-10 min, continuous line) and after the induction protocol (25-30 min, dotted line). Subtraction in grey. AA-EPSC amplitude increased while PF-EPSC amplitude decreased. No antagonist was applied. Evoked responses consisted of an EPSC often followed by an IPSC. Bottom, induction protocol. Recording switched to current clamp, VH = -65 mV. AAs and PFs are stimulated synchronously by a train of 15 pulses at 100 Hz every 3 s for 5 min. Grey traces, responses to the first two trains of stimulation. B Top, plot of the average AA- and PF-EPSC amplitude normalised to baseline for synchronous stimulation (5-10min, n = 25, colours and symbols as in A) and control No Stim experiments (continuous lines). Following induction, a long term change of the inputs was observed. The amplitude of the AA-EPSC increased to 131% ± 7 % (N = 24) of baseline 25-30 min after induction. The PF-EPSC on the other hand decreased slowly to 65% ±5 % (N = 25) of baseline. Continuous lines show the average time course of AA- and PF-EPSC amplitudes during control No Stim experiments where no stimulation was performed during the Iclamp period (N = 17, see supplementary Figure 1), showing the extent of EPSC rundown during the course of the recordings. Middle, the average ratio of the normalised amplitudes of AA- and PF-EPSCs (AA/PF), highlighting the relative change of the inputs, doubles. Bottom, the average normalised paired pulse ratio (AA2/AA1 and PF2/PF1) is transiently decreased following induction. C. Average of 8 experiments with stimulation of the AA pathway only during induction (labels, colours and symbols as in A), and No Stim experiments overlaid (continuous lines). Top, the normalised amplitudes of AA- and PF-EPSCs progressively decreased to 72 % ± 7% (N = 8) and 64 % ± 6% (N = 8) of baseline respectively, not significantly different from No Stim experiments. Stimulation of the AA pathway alone is not sufficient to trigger AA-LTP. D. Average of 13 experiments with stimulation of the PF pathway only during induction (labels), and No Stim experiments overlaid (continuous lines). Top, the normalised AA-EPSCs showed a small and steady depression (84% ± 7 % of baseline after 25-30 min) whereas the PF-EPSC depressed over time (64% ± 6 %), not significantly different from No Stim experiments. Stimulation of the PF pathway on its own is not sufficient to trigger plasticity. C and D bottom, the PPR of the AA and PF pathways transiently decreased only for the pathway stimulated during induction. Values given are mean ± SEM. SEM represented by shading.