Associative plasticity of AA and PF inputs
A, top. Whole cell recording in a PC. Two stimulation electrodes are used to activate GC inputs: one in the molecular layer to stimulate PFs (orange), and one in the GC layer to stimulate AAs (blue). Middle, AA- and PF-PSCs sampled with a pair of pulses (dt = 50 ms), every 10 s. Traces from one experiment: average AA-PSC (blue) and PF-PSC (orange), before (5-10 min, continuous line) and after the induction protocol (25-30 min, dotted line). Subtraction in grey. AA-EPSC amplitude increased while PF-EPSC amplitude decreased. No antagonist was applied. Evoked responses often consisted of mixed EPSC/IPSC. Bottom, induction protocol. Recording switched to current clamp, VH = −65 mV. AAs and PFs are stimulated synchronously by a train of 15 pulses at 100 Hz every 3 s for 5 min. Grey traces, responses to the first two trains of stimulation. B Top, plot of the average AA- and PF-EPSC amplitude normalised to baseline (5-10min, n = 25, colours and symbols as in A) for LTP and control No Stim experiments (continuous lines). Following induction, a long term change of opposite sign of the inputs was observed. The amplitude of the AA-EPSC increased to 131% ± 7 % (N = 24) of baseline 25-30 min after induction. The PF-EPSC on the other hand decreased slowly to 65% ±5 % (N = 25) of baseline. Continuous lines show the average time course of AA- and PF-EPSC amplitudes during control No Stim experiments where no stimulation was performed during the Iclamp period (N = 17, see supplementary Figure 1), showing the extent of EPSC rundown during the course of the recordings. Middle, the average ratio of the normalised amplitudes of AA- and PF-EPSCs (AA/PF), highlighting the relative change of the inputs (relative plasticity), doubles. Bottom, average normalised paired pulse ratio (AA2/AA1 and PF2/PF1) is transiently decreased following induction. C. Average of 8 experiments with stimulation of the AA pathway only during induction (labels, colours and symbols as in A), and No Stim experiments overlaid (continuous lines). Top, the normalised amplitudes of AA- and PF-EPSCs progressively decreased to 72 % ± 7% (N = 8) and 64 % ± 6% (N = 8) of baseline respectively at 25-30 minutes, not significantly different from No Stim experiments. Stimulation of the AA pathway alone is not sufficient to trigger AA-LTP. D. Average of 13 experiments with stimulation of the PF pathway only during induction (labels), and No Stim experiments overlaid (continuous lines). Top, the normalised AA-EPSCs showed a small and steady depression (84% ± 7 % of baseline after 25-30 min) whereas the PF-EPSC depressed over time (64% ± 6 %), not significantly different from No Stim experiments. Stimulation of the PF pathway on its own is not sufficient to trigger LTP or LTD. C and D bottom, the PPR of the AA and PF pathways transiently decreased only for the pathway stimulated during induction.