(A) Visual representation of each of our crosses. Yeast from each of the parental strains of a cross are induced to go through meiosis to generate haploids of each mating type. Subsequently, they are mated, and their diploid offspring are induced to enter meiosis. The resulting tetrads are manually dissected, and each haploid meiotic product is grown mitotically to obtain enough material for DNA extraction and whole genome sequencing. We then call SNPs on the resulting sequences and retain loci with fixed differences between parents. These loci are then coded as 1 or 0 depending on the parent of origin and the CrossOver software detects COs and NCOs. (B) The introgressions we observe in our crosses are due to S. eubayanus hybridizing with S. uvarum, resulting in F1 hybrids that then potentially crossed with other S. uvarum individuals for some number of generations. Eventually, the S. eubayanus ancestry was degraded in the population of S. uvarum until the introgressions we observe today remained, potentially segregating in the population. A similar process likely happened in each of the parental strains we utilized, but with different introgressions remaining in each strain. We then crossed individuals from each strain that were homozygous for the introgression, resulting in offspring that were heterozygous for each introgression. It’s important to note that due to the life cycle of Saccharomyces, mitotic recombination likely played an important role in the breakdown of introgressions.

(A) Barplot depicting the number of COs and NCOs detected per meiosis in S. uvarum crosses (green: natural cross; pink: fermentation cross). The error bars represent the standard error around the mean. These values are not corrected by resolution. The counts for S. paradoxus and S. cerevisiae are represented by arrows and taken from Liu et al. (2019). (B) Mean CO/kb and (C) NCO/kb by cross and introgression (0 denotes intervals without introgression; 1 denotes introgression present in the fermentation cross. While the natural cross does not contain introgression, the region where introgression is present in the fermentation cross was compared to its syntenic region in the natural cross). Error bars represent the standard error around the mean. (D) S. uvarum chromosomes split into 20kb, non-overlapping windows. CO, NCO, and SNP counts are reported for both crosses (fermentation and natural). Shaded regions denote introgressed regions. CO counts are smoothed when the true location of the CO split could be in one of multiple windows. NCO counts are corrected for marker resolution.

CO, NCO, and homology in 101bp sliding windows of fermentation cross introgressed regions. CO counts are shown in blue, the depth of NCO tracts are shown in orange, and the proportion of expected homologous bases between the two fermentation strains is shown in black.

Average for each chromosome (A) and for each introgressed region (B). Asterisks indicate a significant difference in chromosome r-bar between crosses. All introgressed regions had a significant difference in . Error bars indicate standard error around the mean.

Spearman’s correlations of NCOs to homology in introgressed regions of the fermentation cross.

Welch two sample t-test results for differences in homology between CO-adjacent regions and NCO-adjacent regions per introgression.

Coefficients of gaussian generalized linear model modeling CO counts per 20kb window.

Coefficients of gaussian generalized linear model modeling NCO counts per 20kb window.