A: Examples of stimuli used in the meg experiment. Each stimulus contained 7–8 letters or symbols.
B: Source estimate of the evoked meg activity, using mne-dspm. The grand-average activity to word stimuli, averaged for three time intervals, is shown in orange hues. For each time interval, white circles indicate the location of the most representative left-hemisphere ecd for each participant, as determined by Vartiainen et al. (2011).
C: Grand-average time course of signal strength for each group of ecds in response to the different stimulus types. The traces are color-coded to indicate the stimulus type as shown in A. Shaded regions indicate time periods over which statistical analysis was performed.
D: For each group of ecds shown in B, and separately for each stimulus type (different colors, see A), the distribution (and mean) of the grand-average response amplitudes to the different stimulus types, obtained by integrating the ecd signal strength over the time intervals highlighted in C. Whenever there is a significant difference (linear mixed effects (lme) model, p < 0.05, false discovery rate (fdr) corrected) between two adjacent distributions, the corresponding difference in means is shown.