D2 and D1 blockade shift temporal dynamics.
A) We recorded dorsomedial striatal medium spiny neuron (MSN) ensembles during interval timing in sessions with saline, D2 blockade with sulpiride, or D1 blockade with SCH23390. Made with BioRender.com. B-D) Example peri-event raster from MSNs in sessions with saline (black), D2-dopamine blockade (red), or D1-dopamine blockade (blue). Shaded area is the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval. E) MSNs from 99 neurons in 11 mice from saline, D2 blockade, or D1 blockade session; MSNs were matched across sessions based on waveforms and interspike interval. Each row represents a peri-event time histogram (PETH) binned at 0.2 seconds, smoothed using kernel-density estimates using a bandwidth of 1, and z-scored. Colors indicate z-scored firing rate. See Fig S10 for analyses that assume statistical independence. F) Principal component analysis (PCA) identified MSN ensemble patterns of activity. The first principal component (PC1) exhibited time-dependent ramping. G) PC1 explained 54% of population variance among MSN ensembles; higher components were not analyzed. H) PC1 scores were closer to zero and significantly different with D2 or D1 blockade; * = p < 0.05 via linear mixed effects; data from 99 MSNs in 11 mice.
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