Early astrogenic switch and astrocyte maturation in derivatives of LMX1A+ midbrain progenitors.
A, Representative view of immunocytochemistry of astrogenic marker expression in BFP+ and unsorted progenitors at day 45 and 98. Scale bar represents 100 µm. Images shown were cropped to 462 µm×462 µm by randomly selecting the region of interest in the nuclei-only channel (uncropped greyscale images are shown in Figure S2). B, Representative view of immunocytochemistry of astrocyte marker expression in early and late, BFP+ and BFP- (unsorted) astrocytes. Scale bar represents 100 µm. Images shown were cropped to 300 µm×300 µm by randomly selecting the region of interest in the nuclei-only channel (uncropped greyscale images are shown in Figure S3). C, Quantification of immunocytochemistry of astrogenic marker in BFP+ and BFP- progenitors at day 45 and 98 shown in Panel A. Error bars represent the standard error of means (SEM) of three independent experiments. Two-way ANOVA was performed to compare between lineages (NFIA: p=5.389×10-6, df=1, effect size=3.62; SOX9: p=1.96×10-6, df=1, effect size=4.77) and days of differentiation (NFIA: p=7.82×10-5, df=1, effect size=1.99; SOX9: p=2.62×10-5, df=1, effect size=2.99) D, Quantification of immunocytochemistry of astrocyte marker expression in astrocytes. Error bars represent SEM of three independent experiments. Kruskal-Wallis test results following Bonferroni correction are shown on the top of the figure (AQP4: p.adjust=0.12, df=3, H=8.95; EAAT2: p.adjust=1.00, df=3, H=0.95; GFAP: p.adjust=0.06, df=3, H=10.38; S100B: p.adjust=0.11, df=3, H=9.05). E, Averaged trace of ATP-induced Ca2+ response assayed using FLIPR. Drugs or DMSO were applied at 1 minute of the assay. The line represents the average fluorescence change (ΔF/F0) in at least three independent experiments each with at least three replicate wells. The shaded area represents the SEM across at least three independent experiments. F, Quantitative comparison of the peak amplitude of ATP-induced Ca2+ response among conditions (two-way ANOVA, p<2.2×10-16, df=2, effect size=2.54) and samples (p=2.87×10-14, df=3, effect size=2.17). Error bars represent the SEM across at least independent experiments. G: Quantitative comparison of the rise time of ATP-induced Ca2+ response among conditions (two-way ANOVA, p=2.19×10-13, df=2, effect size =1.958) and samples (p=0.064, df=3, effect size=0.76). Intergroup comparison was performed using Post-hoc Tukey test. Error bars represent the SEM across at least three independent experiments. (****: p<0.0001, ***: p<0.001, **: p<0.01, *: p<0.05, ns: not significant).