Developmental transition of Ret expression in migratory ENS progenitor cells.
(a-u) Histological sections prepared from E10.5 Pax2Cre/Ret/R26nT-nGmutant (d-f), Wnt1Cre/Ret/R26nT-nG mutant (j-l), and their littermate controls (a-c, and g-I, respectively), and E11.5 Pax2Cre/Ret/R26nT-nG mutant (n-o), Wnt1Cre/Ret/R26nT-nG mutant (q), and their littermate control embryos (m and p, respectively) stained for nuclear-GFP (blue) and Ret (brown). Magnified views of the bracketed areas (midgut) in a, d, g and j are shown in b, e, h and k, respectively; of the bracketed areas in b, e, h and k are shown in c, f, I and l, respectively; of the bracketed areas in m-p are shown in r-u, respectively. Black arrows denotes lineage marker nGFP+ nuclei with no Ret stain, black arrowheads denoted cells that are positive for both nuclear GFP and Ret, and blue arrowheads denote non-Cre (nGFP-) Ret+ cells along the gut walls. (v-z) Compiled representations of relative fractions of Ret+,nGFP+ (black); Ret-,nGFP+ (grey); and Ret+,nGFP- (white) ENS progenitor cells comparing (v) E10.5 midgut areas of Pax2Cre/R26nT-nG (n=6; 249.7±15.7cells/embryo) and Wnt1Cre/R26nT-nG (n=6; 178.83±11.41 cells/embryo) embryos, (w) E10.5 midgut areas of Pax2Cre/Ret/R26nT-nG mutants (n=8, 148.50±12.13 cells/embryo) and littermate control embryos, (x) E10.5 midgut areas of Wnt1Cre/Ret/R26nT-nG mutants (n=6, no nGFP+ or Ret+ cell was found) and littermate control embryos, (y) E11.5 midgut loop apex areas of Pax2Cre/Ret/R26nT-nGmutants (n=5, 309.33±18.57 cells/embryo) and littermate control embryos (n=4, 822.67±28.30 cells/embryo), and (z) E11.5 midgut loop apex areas of WntCre/Ret/R26nT-nG mutants (n=4, no nGFP+ or Ret+ cell was found) and littermate control embryos (n=6, 986.40±89.24 cells/embryo). Data in v are the control mouse groups in w and x, shown together for easier comparison. Ret-,nGFP- (double negative) cell populations were not included in this analysis. nd=not detected. Abbreviations: dnt, dorsal neural tube; drg, dorsal root ganglia; msn, mesonephros; sc, sympathetic chain ganglia. Scale bars, 200μm (a, d, g, j), 50μm (b, e, h, k, m-q), 20μm (c, f, i, l, r-u).