ATHB2 and ATHB2miP localise to the nucleus and interact in vitro and in planta.
(A) Graphic representation of eGFP fused to ATHB2 variants: ATHB2, ATHB2miP, and ATHB2HD; panels show subcellular localisation of ATHB2 variants when fused to eGFP in tobacco leaves, with nuclear localisation shown in square and enlarged in lower panel. Arrows point to nuclear speckles that form when eGFP-ATHB2miP is expressed. Scale bars: upper panel = 50 µM; lower panel = 5 µM. (B) Yeast-2-hybrid with growth on histidine drop-out media when ATHB2 or ATHB2miP are fused to the activation domain and binding domain of GAL4. (C) FRET-FLIM assay. Co-expression of eGFP-ATHB2 with mCherry-ATHB2 or mCherry-ATHB2miP in tobacco leaves shows co-localization in the nucleus and causes significant reduction in fluorescent lifetime of eGFP-ATHB2. Scale bar = 5 µM. Significance levels: * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001, ns = not significant.