CRISPR/Cas9 editing of mesenchymal cell lines lead to efficient VEGF knockout in cartilage tissues.
A) Experimental scheme depicting the generation of CRISPR/Cas9-edited MSOD-B lines, and the subsequent in vitro and in vivo tissue formation assessment. B) Overview of the native human VEGF coding sequence composed of eight exons. Designed gRNAs and their targeted binding sites are illustrated, as well as the corresponding expected impact on the coding sequence. gRNAs targeting exon 1 (orange) disrupt translation initiation and inhibit protein expression, gRNA targeting exon 2 (blue) disrupts VEGF receptor binding, and gRNA targeting exon 8 (green) alters the C-Terminal sequence and repress activation of protein. C) ELISA-based quantitative analysis of VEGF protein content in cell culture supernatant from expanded single cell colonies. From all clones, only two had no detectable level of VEGF (1.3_3 and 1.3_6). These clones were subsequently defined as MSOD-BΔV1 and MSOD-BΔV2. D) Histological assessment of living and lyophilized in vitro differentiated constructs using Safranin O staining (Scale bars = 100 µm and 20 µm for magnified areas). Both the MSOD-B and MSOD-BΔV1 displayed glycosaminoglycans (GAG) (orange to reddish in Safranin O), indicating successful cartilage formation (Scale bars = 200 µm). Left bottom inserts show the whole tissue section. E) Quantitative assessment of the total GAG content in MSOD-B and MSOD-BΔV1 in vitro differentiated constructs, post-lyophilization. Unpaired t-test, n = 10 biological replicates, ***p < 0.001. F) ELISA-based quantitative assessment of VEGF protein in in vitro differentiated constructs, post-lyophilization. Unpaired t-test, n = 3-4 biological replicates, ****p < 0.0001. G) Immunofluorescence images of MSOD-B and MSOD-BΔV1 tissues, post-lyophilization. Displayed images consist of 3D-stacks from 80-100 µm thick sections, stained for VEGF (yellow), Collagen Type X (COLX, red) and Collagen Type I (COL1, grey). A clear reduction in the VEGF signal could be observed in the MSOD-BΔV1 tissues, indicating a successful VEGF knockdown (Scale bars = 80 µm). Panel A was created using