Msi2 regulates oncogenic signaling in lung adenocarcinoma.
A) Principal component analysis of KP cells transduced with shMsi2 (Msi2KD, purple) or shControl (gray). BG) Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of Msi2KD gene signatures. Heatmaps of gene signatures and selected genes that are involved in developmental and stem cell signaling (B-C), DNA repair (D-E), and metabolism (F-G) and are downregulated (shown in blue) following the loss of Msi2. H-I) Known (H) and novel (I) regulators of lung cancer that are downregulated following loss of Msi2. B-I) Red represents genes or gene signatures that are upregulated in the presence of Msi2, while blue represents genes that are downregulated following the loss of Msi2. J) Confirmation of downregulated genes in Msi2KD cells using qRT-PCR analysis. K) In vitro functional analysis of novel effectors of lung cancer (Ptgds, Arl2bp, Rnf157, Sty11) downregulated by Msi2. KPf/f cells were transduced with shRNA to inhibit the genes of interest and analyzed for the resulting impact on tumor sphere formation in vitro. Sphere formation, n=3 per condition. Data represented as mean ± SD,**p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001 by Student’s t-test.