Non-linear rate coding of motor units.
A. We analysed the relation between motor unit firing rate (pulses per second, pps) and force with the assumption that a linear increase in force is proportional to a linear increase in net synaptic input. For this, we concatenated the values of instantaneous firing rate for each motor unit (grey data points) recorded over all the contractions where that motor unit was identified, as shown here for one motor unit (coloured data points for contractions at 20, 40, and 60%MVC). The force-firing rate relations were then fitted with three different functions: linear (green), rising exponential (dark red), and natural logarithm (yellow), to characterise the input-output function of each motoneuron. B. The motor units were grouped according to their best fit. We display the distribution of motor unit recruitment thresholds (RT) for each of these groups. The inset panels depict the percentage of motor units (MU) in each group. C. We further analysed the rate coding of motor units by reporting the acceleration of firing rate. For this, we fitted the force-firing rate relation with the natural logarithm (f(force) =a*ln(force)+b; yellow trace) and computed its first derivative (f(force)=a/force; dark red trace). The right panels depict the relations between the initial acceleration of motor unit firing rates and their recruitment threshold (RT) for all participants, with a total of 328 and 393 motor units for TA and VL, respectively. Each data point is a motor unit. The horizontal thick line denotes a statistical difference between motor units grouped according to their recruitment thresholds (low = Blue; medium = Grey; high = Pink). The green line depicts the non-linear fits of these relations for the Tibialis Anterior and the Vastus Lateralis. Similar fits were observed for all the participants (inset panels).