Populations with two gene copies are showing increased genetic diversity and dN/dS ratios.
The horizontal axes of all panels show time in generations during selection for green fluorescence. A) Average pairwise amino acid distance for coGFP molecules in single-copy populations (blue: active copy, grey: inactive copy), B) average pairwise amino acid distance for coGFP molecules of the active copy in single-copy populations (blue) vs both copies in double-copy populations (pink). C) dN/dS ratio in single-copy populations (blue: active copy, grey: inactive copy), D) dN/dS ratio of the active copy in single-copy populations (blue) vs both copies in double-copy populations (pink). Thick lines represent the median over three replicate populations, while dotted lines indicate data from the individual biological replicates. * p ≤ 0.05 Mann-Whitney test, n=3.