Etoposide treatment reduces chromosome stiffness.
(A) Images of chromosome isolation from MI oocyte treated with 50 μg/ml etoposide. Left panel: a spindle after cell lysis. Middle panel: a spindle captured with pipettes. Right panel: chromosome isolation. Scale bar = 10 μm. (B) DAPI staining of control and 50 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocytes. Scale bar = 10 μm. (C) Chromosome stiffness comparison between mitotic cells (n=8), control MI oocytes (n=8), 5 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocytes (n=8), 25 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocytes (n=8) and 50 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocyte (n=8). Young’s Modulus of control MI oocyte chromosomes (3790 ± 700 Pa) did not differ significantly from that of 5 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocyte chromosomes (3930 ± 400 Pa, P = 0.8624). However, it was significantly higher than that of 25 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocyte chromosomes (1640 ± 340 Pa, P = 0.015) and 50 μg/ml etoposide-treated MI oocyte chromosomes (1710 ± 430 Pa, P=0.0245). Data are presented as mean ± SEM, with statistical analysis conducted using t-test.