Maternal obesity alters DNA methylation of oocytes.
(A) Methylation level of 5mC and 5hmC in oocytes. 5mC, 5-methylcytosine; 5hmC, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine; DAPI, chromatin.
(B, C) Relative fluorescence intensity of 5mC and 5hmC in GV oocytes.
(D) Genomic methylation level of MII oocytes examined by single-cell whole genome bisulfite sequencing. Control group (CD) has two replicates, and obesity group (HFD) has three replicates.
(E) Average genomic CG methylation level in MII oocytes. CD, control group; HFD, obesity group; ** means p value < 0.01.
(F) CG methylation levels at different regions in MII oocytes. CGI, CpG Island; utr5, 5’ untranslated region; utr3, 3’ untranslated region; repeat, repeat sequence.
(G) Total differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in oocytes of control and obesity groups. hyper-DMRs, hypermethylated DMRs; hypo-DMRs, hypomethylated DMRs.
(H) Distribution of DMRs on chromosomes in MII oocytes. Outside-to-in: chromosome, hyper-DMRs, TE (transcription end region), and gene, hypo-DMRs.
(I) Enrichment of genes with DMRs at the promoter regions in KEGG pathways, and the top 20 pathways were presented.
(J) Schedule of breeding. Female C57BL/6 were fed with normal (CD) or high-fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks marked as F0. F1 was produced by F0 mating with normal males, respectively, and marked as CF1 and HF1; F2 was produced by female F1 mating with normal males and marked as CF2 and HF2, respectively.