TR1 cells inherit hypomethylated active enhancers from their TFH precursors.
(A) Euler’s plot showing total active enhancer sharing by BDC2.5mi/I-Ag7-NP-induced Tet+ cells, KLH-DNP-induced TFH cells, and Tconv cells. Overlapping of active enhancers in BDC2.5mi/I-Ag7-NP-induced Tet+ cells and KLH-DNP-induced TFH cells was significantly higher than overlapping between BDC2.5mi/I-Ag7-NP-induced Tet+ and Tconv cells (Pearson’s Chi-squared test with Yates’ continuity correction P<2.2e-16). (B) Jitter plot comparing differential gene expression between TR1/TR1-like and TFH.1 cells (as determined by scMultiome), focusing on the genes that remain open at the TR1/TR1-like cell stage, and both distribution and number of active enhancers per gene as a function of their cell pool specificity (i.e., only found in BDC2.5mi/I-Ag7-NP-induced Tet+ cells (Only Tet+), KLH-DNP-induced TFH cells (only TFH), or both (Shared by Tet+ and TFH)). Color and size depict the region type (gene body or intergenic) and the number of active enhancers per gene, respectively. Gene names are displayed for all the genes except when more than 20 dots are in the same region of the plot. No significant correlation between active enhancer distribution and differential gene expression (Wilcox test for differential analysis: adjusted P < 0.05) was found using Pearson’s Chi-square test, P = 0.76. (C) Figure displays genome tracks for the various readouts examined herein in Tconv CD4+ T-cells (left), KLH-DNP-induced TFH cells (middle), and BDC2.5mi/I-Ag7-NP-induced Tet+ cells (right). Tracks correspond, from top to bottom, to reads for RNAseq (n=4), ATACseq (n=3), ChIPseq (n=1) for H3K4me3, H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 immunoprecipitation, respectively; ChiPseq (n=1) for Tox-2 (TFH cells), Irf4 (Th17 cells), and cMaf (Th17 cells) deposition, respectively (see main text for references), active enhancers and differential methylation, respectively. Visualization reads were normalized to total sequencing depth per sample using BPM (Bins per Million) and, where replicates were available, height mean per bin was also computed. ChIPseq data was also normalized for input (non-immunoprecipitated) sequenced reads. Height (y-axis) is equivalent to the normalized number of mapped reads in each region. Active enhancers (ACT ENH) were predicted as overlapping regions of OCR (ATACseq) and H3K27Ac deposited peaks (ChIPseq H3K27Ac) and are depicted as absent or present in each region. DIFF METH shows differentially methylated regions (n=3) obtained comparing BDC2.5mi/I-Ag7-NP-induced Tet+ cells and KLH-DNP-induced TFH to Tconv cells. Height corresponds to the relative mean methylation value for each region.