Conserved cell types and gene pathways build unique faces of syngnathids.
Three main conserved signaling pathways are enriched in connective cell types, MAPK signaling (including Fgf signaling), TGF-beta signaling (including BMP signaling), and Wnt signaling. Receptors and ligands expression patterns are shown in panel A heatmap from all cell types with cells present in the head. This heatmap features 100 cells downsampled from each cluster and illustrates that many genes from these families are expressed in these cells. Yellow lines indicate high expression of a gene, while hot pink lines indicate no expression. The pathways are boxed in black. Rows representing fgf22, bmp4, and sfrp1a expression are marked with an asterisk and green box for each respective section of signaling (Fgf, BMP, and Wnt). Panels B, C, and D are in situ hybridizations of three marker genes, prdm16, elnb, and tnmd. prdm16 and elnb mark osteochondrogenic mesenchyme and tnmd marks tendons and ligaments. Panels E, F, and G, show expression patterns of three pathway representatives (fgf22, bmp4, and sfrp1a). All three genes are expressed in the face: fgf22 at the tip of the mandible and bmp4 and sfrp1a above the ethmoid and near the ceratohtyal. Staining is circled with dashed lines. The Meckel’s cartilage (M), mes(Ethmoid) cartilage (E), Quadrate (Q), and Ceratohyal (C) are labeled. Panel C is a dorsal view. Panels B, C, E, F, G, H, I are in lateral view. In situs of fgf22 were completed using 10dpf Gulf pipefish. bmp4, sfrp1a, tnmd, elnb, and prdm16 in situs were completed using wild caught bay pipefish at the onset craniofacial elongation. Panels H and I are summary illustrations of our findings, panel H shows where cells from various clusters were present in the developing head and panel I illustrates where bmp4, sfrp1a, and fgf22 were expressed.