Reproductive effects of mitochondrial perturbation in GABAergic neurons.
(A) A diagram of the C. elegans hermaphrodite reproductive system was presented, showing the distal gonad with the mitotic area for germ cell proliferation, the meiotic germ area for meiosis, and an area undergoing germ cell apoptosis, the proximal area with oogenesis, the spermatheca for sperm storage, and the uterus for fertilized egg storage. (B) Sterility in isp-1(gRNAi) animals compared to control animals. (C) The total number of embryos in fertile isp-1(gRNAi) and spg-7(gRNAi) animals. (D) The daily brood size in fertile isp-1(gRNAi) and spg-7(gRNAi) animals. (E) Representative images of dissected distal gonad arms stained with DAPI from 2-day-old isp-1(gRNAi) and control animals. The dashed lines indicate the endpoint of the mitotic area. (F) Quantitative analysis of germ cell numbers in the mitotic regions of isp-1(gRNAi) and control animals. (G) A violin plot is presented, displaying the median (solid line) and quartiles (dashed lines), illustrating the apoptotic germ cells in the loop regions of isp-1(gRNAi) and control animals. (H) Representative images of dissected proximal gonad stained with DAPI from 2-day-old isp-1(gRNAi) and control animals. The arrowheads indicate stained oocyte chromosomes. (I) Quantitative analysis of endomitotic nuclei in diakinesis oocytes in the proximal gonad of isp-1(gRNAi) and control animals. Statistical significance is indicated as follows: *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.0005, ****P < 0.0001; two-tailed Mann–Whitney test. Each dot represents an individual worm (C and D) and gonad arm (F, G, and I). Additionally, each dot indicates an individual group (B and I), animal (C and D), and gonad (F and G). Data are expressed as means ± SEM except (G). Created with
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