Analysis of micro-computer tomography images of a sediment sample in water:
a) Slice of the sediment sample, b) cube from the center of the cuvette, c) and d) examples of water gaps rendered with the Amira software. e) Distribution of the smallest grain dimension (i.e., trabecular thickness analyzed with CTAn) with Gaussian fit a exp(−(x− µ)2/c2), µ = 3.83, c = 0.5903, corresponding to a mean sand grain diameter of 46 µm. f) Distribution of the water gap size (i.e., trabecular separation) with Gaussian fit a exp(−(x−µ)2/c2), µ = 42.94 µm, c = 28.66 µm. g) Percentage of sand over water as function of the distance from the bottom of the cuvette as obtained from 2D slices of the µCT images (yellow filled line) and for the equivalent fit with circles (yellow dashed line). The red points show the mean radius of the fitted circles (± standard error of the mean) in µm (right axis).