Visualizing MT-based ribbon precursor transport in living IHCs.
A Representative confocal live-cell image of the IHC row of an organotypic culture labeled with SPY555-tubulin, in which the outer hair cells, inner pillar cells and phalangeal cells have been mechanically removed. A’ Higher magnification live-cell image of an exposed IHC, labeled with SPY555-tubulin with surrounding tissue cleaned, expressing RIBEYE-GFP (green). B Three-dimensional reconstruction of live-cell timelapse imaging of the basolateral compartment of a RIBEYE-GFP transduced IHC additionally labelled with SPY555. Single particle tracking of ribbon precursors within the basolateral IHC reveals highly dynamic displacements. Trajectories are color-coded for time. Total imaging time: 40 min. C The majority of traced ribbon precursors were classified as mobile (displacing >1 µm in 30 min). Half of the mobile population could be detected to displace along MTs. D Although static ribbon precursors showed low displacement over time, precursors did undergo moderate spatial fluctuation, leading to a low average track velocity. While both mobile populations showed a considerably higher average velocity than the static precursors, remarkably, the track velocity of precursor displacement independent from MTs was significantly higher than of MT-associated precursors. E Combined plot of the mean squared displacement (MSD) of all MT-associated ribbon precursor trajectories, indicative of multiple types of motion. F Distribution of the exponent α, extracted from the MT-associated precursor tracks, where α=1 equals a diffusive or Brownian motion, α<1 indicates subdiffusion for confined motion, and α >1 directed transport. G, H, I Example trajectories of ribbon precursors in association with the MT cytoskeleton. Three main types of motion could be observed: (G) stop-and-go displacement, including rapid long-distance traversing jumps, as well as intermittent periods of near static behavior, (H) slow continuous, near linear progressive motion in a targeted fashion along the MT strand and (I) confined motion in place but attached to the MT network. Of the three main MT-associated motion types, a three-dimensional representation is plotted (G’, H’, I’), as well as the MSD of the respective trajectories (G’’, H’’, I’’) – please note that individual scales have been adapted for optimal visibility of the respective trajectory. During precursor displacement, we detected significant velocity fluctuations of which representative sample traces are shown per motion subtype (G’’’, H’’’, I’’’). Illustrated examples indicated by consistent coloring and color-coded for time. Values represented as violin plots, with medians and the 25% and 75% interquartile range indicated with solid and dashed lines respectively. Statistical significance: Kruskal-Wallis. ****p<0.0001. N=5, n=8. Scale bars: A-B, 10 μm; A’, B’-C, 2 μm; G-I 1 μm.