Diverse Pf-malaria antigen-specific expression patterns of cTFH defining cytokines and transcription factors for children.
Heatmaps of Wilcoxon-paired two-tailed t-test p-values are shown for cTFH meta-clusters comparing (a) PfSEA-1A and (b) Pf-GARP versus unstimulated PBMCs from children (n=13) for each cytokine (IFNγ, IL4, and IL21) and transcription factor (Bcl6 and cMAF). The color-scale indicates the significance of the p-value: white (non-significant, p>0.05), yellow (0.05>p>0.02), orange (0.02>p>0.005), and red (highly significant, p<0.005). The down-directed arrow indicates a decrease of expression from unstimulated to stimulated condition whereas no arrow indicates an increase of expression from unstimulated to stimulated condition. The cTFH meta-clusters that co-expressed transcription factors were grouped as follows: Group 1 (blue line), Group 2 (green line), and Group 3 (purple line). Bar plots indicating mean with SD of the median intensity fluorescence (MFI) of (c) IFNγ, (d) Bcl6, and (e) cMAF for the cTFH meta-clusters showing significant statistical differences between PfSEA-1A and PfGARP stimulations. p-values from Wilcoxon-paired two-tailed t-tests are indicated.