Defining PASMC and PAAF lineage cell states in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). A) 3D score plots of principal component analyses (PCA), larger nodes represent gravity centers. B) Orthogonal projection to latent structures-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) scores plots with 95% confidence intervals (elipse) for separation according to cell type (significance Q2>50%) or disease (non-significant). C) Bifactorial OPLS-DA model considering cell type and disease simultaneously. Ellipse denoting the 95% confidence region. D) Volcano plot showing the log2 fold changes between donor and IPAH in relation to the respective significances in PASMC and PAAF achieved via transcriptomic and proteomic analysis (threshold bar set at -log10(P)=1.3). E) Top5 biological process terms from the gene ontology enrichment analysis that are up- or downregulated in IPAH. F) Representative Alcian blue (glycosaminoglycans – blue) with Verhoeff’s staining (elastic fibers – black/gray) of donor and IPAH lungs. Scale bar 100 µm. G) Dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assay for quantification of glycosaminoglycan content in isolated pulmonary arteries from donor (n=7) or IPAH (n=8) patients. Mann Whitney test. H) Proliferative response of passage 3 cells measured by [3H]-thymidine incorporation assay upon serum stimulation. Dots represent a mean value (n=5-6 donors/IPAH) with corresponding standard error mean bars. Interaction significance (* for stimulation x cell-type; # for cell-type x disease state, *, # p<0.05.) calculated by 3-way ANOVA (stimulation, cell type and disease state). I) Absolute cell counts measured after 24h growth. Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05. J) Representative immunofluorescent localization of proliferating (PCNA marker) PASMC (ACTA2, yellow arrow) and PAAF (PDGFRA, white arrowhead) in health (donor) and diseased (IPAH) lungs. Immune cells were identified through CD45 expression. DAPI nuclear counterstain, 50 μm scale bar.