Notch activity in the SG stem cells is required to prevent unregulated progenitor proliferation.
(a,b) Representative co-stain images for Lrig1 and AR in SGs from mice (n = 5 each) treated with aRW (a) and aJ2 (b), 3 days post treatment. (c) A representative co-stain image for FASN and AR in an SG from mice (n = 5 each) treated with aRW, 3 days post treatment. Arrows point to sebocytes, and arrowheads point to progenitor cells. (d) Quantification of the number of cells expressing Lrig1 in each SG, 3 days post treatment with aRW, aJ1 and aJ2. p-values: aJ1 = 0.152, aJ2 = 0.450. (e) Quantification of what percentage of the Lrig1+ cells express AR, 3 days post treatment with aRW, aJ1 and aJ2. p-values: aJ1 = 0.789, aJ2 = 0.028. (d and e) Total n of SGs quantified per treatment: aRW = 17, aJ1 = 10, aJ2 = 24. (f,g) Representative co-stain images for Lrig1 and AR in SGs from mice (n = 5 each) treated with aRW (f) and aJ2 (g), 7 days post treatment. (h) Quantification of the number of cells expressing Lrig1 in each SG, 7 days after treatment with aRW, aJ1, aJ2 and aJ1J2. p-values: aJ1 = 0.628, aJ2 = 9.06E-07, aJ1J2 = 7.88E-06. (i) Quantification of what percentage of the Lrig1+ cells express AR, 7 days after treatment with aRW, aJ1, aJ2 and aJ1J2. p-values: aJ1 = 0.117, aJ2 = 0.248, aJ1J2 = 0.091. (h and i) Total n of SGs quantified per treatment: aRW = 12, aJ1 = 12, aJ2 = 18, aJ1J2 = 16. (j,k) Representative co-stain images for Ki67 and FASN in SGs from mice (n = 5 each) treated with aRW (j) and aJ2 (k), 7 days post treatment. (l) Quantification of the number of cells expressing Ki67 in each SG, 7 days after treatment with aRW, aJ1, and aJ2. p-values: aJ1 = 0.652, aJ2 = 0.009. Total n of SGs quantified per treatment: aRW = 11, aJ1 = 12, aJ2 = 16. Student’s T-test used for statistical analysis. All treatments compared against aRW. Error bars represent SEM. Scale bars are 25 μm.