Spatial transcriptomics reveals midbrain DA and striatal target DEGs altered by chronic DA neuron hyperactivity
(A) DATIRESCre animals that received CNO (CNO only, n=2 mice) or were injected with AAV-hM3Dq-mCherry and received vehicle (GqVeh, n=3 mice) or CNO (GqCNO, n=3 mice) were administered CNO for one week before brains were flash frozen for spatial transcriptomic analysis.
(B) Image of midbrain and striatal sections stained with TH (green), NeuN (purple), and DAPI (blue) shows discs assigned to regions of interest. Inset shows a disc containing two TH+ cell bodies. Scale bars indicate 500µm.
(C) Expression of dopaminergic and striatal genes is confined to expected spatial regions. Expression of genes involved in DA metabolism decrease with chronic CNO. 2-49 discs were compiled per VTA and 1-7 discs were compiled per SN. 357-560 capture areas were compiled per CP. The thalamus was selected as a midbrain control region, while white matter tracts (white) and the lateral septal complex (LSX) were used as striatal controls. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by one-way ANOVA followed by Holm-Sidak post hoc test in the SN, VTA, and CP.
(D) Principal components analysis of midbrain regions (left) and the caudate putamen (right) for GqCNO, GqVeh, and CNO only groups.
(E) Hits were used for Enrichr pathway analysis if significant in both GqCNO vs CNO alone and GqCNO vs GqVeh comparisons. Gene rankings for hit analysis were established using fold change score (FCS) and signal-to-noise score (SNS).
(F) Volcano plots comparing GqCNO vs GqVeh in the SN, VTA, and CP. Genes highlighted are also significantly altered when comparing GqCNO vs CNO only.