High mRNA noise combined with high translational efficiency leads to high protein noise
(A) Existing model to describe impact of translational efficiency on protein expression noise. (B) Protein noise among 16 classes of genes classified according to the quartiles of mean mRNA expression, calculated from Nadal-Ribelles et al.40, and then by the quartiles of protein synthesis rates per mRNA from Riba et al.41. (C) Two-state model of gene expression with the transition rates Kon and Koff. (D-E) Relationship between mean protein expression and protein noise (CV) obtained from stochastic modeling at different transcription rates (D) and at different transcriptional burst frequencies (E) (F) Mean-adjusted mRNA expression noise calculated from the single-cell RNA-seq data40 in 16 classes of genes classified according to the quartiles of mean mRNA expression and the quartiles of protein synthesis rate per mRNA. Q1, Q2, and Q3 represent first, second and third quartiles.