Dependence of efficient coding and neural dynamics on stimulus parameters and comparison of E-I versus one cell type model architecture.
(A) Top: Root mean squared error (RMSE) of E estimates (red) and I estimates (blue), as a function of the time constant (in ms) of stimulus features. The time constant τs is the same for all stimulus features. Bottom: Same as on top, showing the metabolic cost (MC) of E and I cell type.
(B) Left: Mean squared error between the targets and their estimates for every stimulus feature (marked as dimensions), as a function of time constants of OU stimuli in E population (top) and in I population (bottom). In the first dimension, the stimulus feature has a time constant fixed at 10 ms, while the second and third feature increase their time constants from left to right. The time constant of the third stimulus feature (x-axis on the bottom) is the double of the time constant of the second stimulus feature (x-axis on top). Right: Same as on the left, showing the RMSE that was averaged across stimulus features (top), and the metabolic cost (bottom) in E (red) and I (blue) populations.
(C) Top: Same as in A top, measured as a function of the number of stimulus features M. Bottom: Normalized cost and the average loss as a function of the number of stimulus features. Black arrow marks the minimum loss and the optimal parameter M.
(D) Top: Optimal number of encoded variables (stimulus features) as a function of weighting of the losses of E and I population. The weighting of the error with the cost is 0.7. Bottom: Same as on top, as a function of the weighting of the error with the cost and with equal weighting of losses of E and I populations.
(E) Tuning curves of 10 example E (left) and I neurons (right). We computed tuning curves using M =3 stimulus features that were constant over time. We varied the amplitude of the first stimulus feature s1, while two other stimulus features were kept fixed.
(F) Distribution of the selectivity index across E (red) and I neurons (blue).(G) Root mean squared error (left) and metabolic cost (right) in E and I populations in the E-I model and in the 1CT model. The distribution is across 100 simulation trials.
(H) Left: Average loss in the E population of the E-I model and of the 1CT model. The distribution is across 100 simulation trials. Right: Average loss in the E population of the E-I models and in the 1CT model as a function of the weighting gL, averaged across trials.
(I) Firing rate in the 1CT model as a function of the metabolic constant. All statistical results were computed on 100 simulation trials of 1 second duration. For other parameters of the E-I model see Table 1, and for the 1CT model see Supplementary Table S2.