Modulation of individual IPCs by aminergic and peptidergic neurons in patch-clamp recordings.
A: Schematic of setup for patch-clamp recordings and optogenetic activation. B: Anatomy of example driver line labeling AstANs (gray) and antibody staining against DILP2 labeling IPCs (green). C: Example responses of three IPCs to optogenetic activation of AstANs (red bar). IPCs with a membrane potential (Vm) rising above the 90th percentile of the baseline during or after stimulation were defined as ‘excited’ (magenta). IPCs with Vm falling below the 10th percentile were defined as ‘inhibited’ (blue). IPCs remaining between the thresholds were ‘unaffected’ (black). D: Normalized overall trends across all tested lines based on the area under the curve (AUC) average of all recorded cells for the respective line. E: DAN, and OAN populations primarily drove excitation or had no effect on IPCs upon activation. Spike events (dots), spike frequency (spk/s), and low-pass filtered Vm (mV) are shown, color-coded according to the clusters as before. Gray lines indicate individual IPCs, while color-coded lines show the cluster average. Fractions indicate number of IPCs per cluster. F: MS- and 5-HT-expressing neurons had inhibitory or no effects on IPCs. Details as in D. G: TKNs, AKHNs, DH31Ns, AstANs, and LKNs evoked mixed effects in IPCs upon activation. Details as in D. H: Baseline subtracted AUC values (ΔAUC) of all recorded cells (gray), and excited (magenta), unaffected (black), and inhibited (blue) clusters. P-values were calculated using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.