CD5hiCD8+ T cells-transferred group exhibits severe insulitis and disease phenotype.
(A) Diabetes incidence (left) in NOD Rag1−/− mice transferred with CD5hiCD8+, CD5loCD8+, or CD8+ T cells, combined with CD4+ T cells, respectively. The islet histological analyses and insulitis scoring (right) for the mice after a 4-week transfer in the respective transferred groups showed a higher diabetes frequency in the CD5hiCD8+ group compared to the CD5loCD8+ group. The cells were sorted from the 10% upper and lower of CD5 expression of naïve CD8+ T cells (CD5hiCD8+ and CD5loCD8+ T cells) from 6-8-week-old normoglycemic female NOD mice and adoptively transferred to 6-8-week-old female NOD Rag1−/− recipients via i.p. injection. Urine glucose concentrations of the four groups of mice were monitored weekly for diabetes incidence. Diabetes was defined as glycosuria > 500 mg/dl in two consecutive tests. Insulitis scoring criteria can be found in the supplementary materials and methods. (B) Percentages and cell numbers of CD8+ T cells in spleen and PLNs, analyzed from CD5hiCD8+ and CD5loCD8+ cells-transferred group, respectively, after 4-week adoptive transfer. (C) Percentages of TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-2 production in CD5hiCD8+ and CD5loCD8+ group, respectively, from spleen or PLNs, analyzed by flow cytometry, with representative flow dot plots (left) and statistical results (right). (D) Percentages of T-bet, Eomes and Granzyme B-expressing in CD5hiCD8+ and CD5loCD8+ group, respectively, from spleen or PLNs, analyzed by flow cytometry, with representative flow dot plots (left) and statistical results (right). (E) Comparison of differential gMFI expression of CD5, CD25, CD44, CD69, CD122, CD127, KLRG1 and PD-1 between CD5hiCD8+ and CD5loCD8+ group from spleen or PLNs. (F) Comparison of percentages of central memory T cells (defined by CD44hiCD62Lhi) (upper) and positive IGRP-tetramer staining (lower) between CD5hiCD8+ and CD5loCD8+ groups from PLNs, with representative flow dot plots (left) and statistical results (right). Data represent mean ± SD. Sample size was n = 5-11 (A), and n = 3 (B-F) per group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, by log-rank test (A), by two-way ANOVA (B) and (E) and unpaired, two-tailed t test (C), (D) and (F).