TIMM50 deficiency leads to a significant decrease in the levels of KCNA2 and KCNJ10 potassium channels and an increased electrical activity.
(A) Example of voltage traces in response to increased depolarization of TIMM50 KD neurons. The bottom panel shows the protocol applied, while the top panel shows the typical response pattern that was measured. (B) Representative traces of a single action potential, received at rheobase level, from a TIMM50 KD neuron, as compared to Scr control-transduced neuron. (C) Representative traces of the maximal stimulus for each condition, showing the maximal amount of action potentials measured for each group. (D) No change in rheobase was observed in TIMM50 KD neuronal cells, as compared to Scr control-transduced cells. Rheobase was measured as the first current step that caused firing of an action potential. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n = 28 / 37 cells (for Scr control-/-Sh2-transduced cells, respectively) from three biological repeats, Mann-Whitney test. (E) No change in the action potential half-width was observed in TIMM50 KD neuronal cells, as compared to Scr control-transduced cells. Half-width was measured as the time between the rising and falling phases of the action potential, at the half-point between the tip of the peak and the bottom of the voltage rising curve. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n = 28 / 37 cells (for Scr control-/ Sh2-transduced cells, respectively) from three biological repeats, Mann-Whitney test. (F) No change in the action potential rate of fall was observed in TIMM50 KD neuronal cells, as compared to Scr control-transduced cells. Rate of fall was measured as the time between the action potential peak and the baseline following the action potential, divided by the change in voltage between the same two points (ΔX/ΔY). Data are shown as means ± SEM, n = 28 / 37 cells (for Scr control / Sh2 respectively) from three biological repeats, Mann-Whitney test. (G) Decreased action potential latency was observed in TIMM50 KD neuronal cells compared to Scr control-transduced cells. Latency was measured as the time difference between the beginning of the pulse to the peak of the action potential. Each dot in the graph represents the average latency of the first five consecutive action potentials appearing after rheobase level. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n = 40 / 50 cells (for Scr control-/Sh2-transduced cells, respectively) from four biological repeats, *p-value < 0.05, unpaired Student’s t-test. (H) An increase in the maximal number of action potentials fired in a single stimulus was observed in TIMM50 KD neuronal cells, as compared to Scr control-transduced cells. Data are shown as means ± SEM, n = 28 / 37 cells (for Scr control-/Sh2-transduced cells, respectively) from three biological repeats, ****p-value < 0.0001, unpaired Student’s t-test. (I) Amongst the detected ion channel proteins, a specific decrease in KCNA2 and KCNJ10 potassium channels was observed in TIMM50 KD neuronal cells. The y-axis cut off of >1.301 corresponds to –log (0.05) or p-value = 0.05, while the x-axis cut off of <−0.5 and >0.5 corresponds to a ±1.414-fold change. Each dot in the graph represents a protein. Proteins depicted on the right side of the x-axis cut-off and above the y-axis cut off were considered to be increased in amount, while proteins depicted on the left side of the x-axis cut-off and above the y-axis cut off were considered to be decreased in amount. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t-test and a p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. n = 9 per group (three biological repeats in triplicate). Full list of differentially expressed proteins in neurons is found in supplemental material S3 Dataset.