ON- and OFF-type subunit mosaics are aligned, while receptive field mosaics show anti-alignment.
(A) Contour mosaics of ON- and OFF-type parasol (top) and ON- and OFF-type midget (bottom) ganglion cell receptive fields, each from one retina, mid-periphery and periphery, respectively. Centers of mass (black markers) inside the region of interest (ROI, shaded area) are considered for analysis (colored markers inside black frame, right). One center-of-mass mosaic is shifted relative to the other, as schematically indicated (right); n = numbers of enclosed subunits. (B) Topographical map visualizing the inter-mosaic coordination energy (IMCE) at different mosaic shifts around the original position in the center. (C) Dependence of the IMCE on radial distance by averaging across angles in (B), displaying mean (black) and standard deviation (shaded gray). IMCE topographical map and radial average curves are z-scored, and the shift distance r is normalized to the median homotypic nearest-neighbor distance of the ON-type mosaic. (D-F) Same as (A-C), but for the subunit mosaics of the cell populations analyzed in (A-C). The red rectangles in (D) correspond to the red rectangles of the corresponding cell populations in (A). The decreasing IMCE curves in (F) indicate that corresponding ON and OFF subunit mosaics tend to be aligned.