(A) Physiological data for Monkey 1 and Monkey 2: the effect of attention on decoder performance was larger for the monkey’s decoder than for the specific decoder. Left plots: decoder performance (y-axis; leave-one-out cross-validated proportion of trials in which the orientation was correctly identified: starting versus median changed orientation) for each neuronal population size (x-axis) is plotted for the specific (thin lines) and monkey’s (thick lines) decoders in the cued (yellow) and uncued (green) attention conditions. Right plots: the ratio of the decoder performance in the cued versus uncued conditions is plotted for each neuronal population size. SEM error bars (Monkey 1: n=46 days; Monkey 2: n=28 days). (B) Modeled data: the effect of attention on decoder performance was larger for the general decoder than for the specific decoder. Left plot: the inverse of the variance of the estimation of theta (y-axis; equivalent to linear Fisher information for the specific decoder) for each neuronal population size (x-axis) is plotted for the specific decoder (small markers; Equation 1, see Materials and methods) and for the general decoder (large markers; Equation 3, see Materials and methods) in the attended (yellow) and unattended (green) conditions. Right plot: the ratio of Fisher information in the attended versus unattended conditions is plotted for each neuronal population size. (C) Physiological data for Monkey 1 and Monkey 2: the performance of the monkey’s decoder was more related to mean correlated variability (left plots, gray lines of best fit; Monkey 1 correlation coefficient: n=86, or 44 days with two attention conditions plotted per day and two data points excluded – see Materials and methods, r=–0.38, p=5.9 × 10–4; Monkey 2: n=54, or 27 days with two attention conditions plotted per day, r=–0.30, p=0.03) than the performance of the specific decoder (right plots; Monkey 1 correlation coefficient: r=–0.07, p=0.53; Monkey 2: r=0.13, p=0.36). For both monkeys, the correlation coefficients associated with the two decoders were significantly different from each other (Williams’ procedure; Monkey 1: t=3.7, p=2.3 × 10–4; Monkey 2: t=3.2, p=1.4 × 10–3). Also see Figure 3—figure supplement 1. (D) Modeled data: the performance of the general decoder was more related to mean correlated variability (left plot) than the performance of the specific decoder (right plot; number of neurons fixed at 100 and attentional state denoted by marker color, yellow to green: most attended to least attended). (E) An example plot of the first versus second principal component (PC) of the V4 population responses to each of the six orientations presented in the session, to justify a linear decoding strategy for the more-general decoders (starting orientation illustrated in black, five changed orientations illustrated with a red-blue color gradient from smallest to largest). Though the brain may use nonlinear decoding methods, the neuronal population representations of the small range of orientations tested per day were reasonably approximated by a line; thus, linear methods were sufficient to capture decoder performance for the physiological dataset. (F) Physiological data for Monkey 1 (orange) and Monkey 2 (purple): the more general the decoder (x-axis; number of orientation changes used to determine the decoder weights, with the decoder that best differentiated the V4 responses to the starting orientation from those to one changed orientation on the far left, and the decoder that best differentiated V4 responses to the starting orientation from those to four different changed orientations on the far right), the more correlated its performance to the performance of the monkey’s decoder (y-axis; the across-days correlation between the performance of the monkey’s decoder and the performance of the decoder specified by the x-axis). Mean across all points in a column illustrated by a black horizontal line (see Materials and methods for n values). There was a significant correlation between decoder specificity level (x-axis) and the correlation with the performance of the monkey’s decoder (y-axis; correlation coefficient: r=0.25, p=0.016). (G) The more general the decoder (x-axis), the better its performance predicting the monkey’s choices on the median changed orientation trials (y-axis; the proportion of leave-one-out trials in which the decoder correctly predicted the monkey’s decision as to whether the orientation was the starting orientation or the median changed orientation). Conventions as in (F) (see Materials and methods for n values). There was a significant correlation between decoder specificity level (x-axis) and performance predicting the monkey’s choices (y-axis; correlation coefficient: r=0.44, p=0.016).