(a) Distribution of the average run speed on the central platform and maze arms for each stimulation protocol. The dashed line indicates the threshold used to determine immobility periods (5 cm/s). The running speed is significantly lower on the central platform than in the arms for all three stimulation conditions. Running speed disruption condition: center 36.42 cm/s [33.13,39.02], arms 57.15 cm/s [52.20,59.65]; Mann-Whitney test: U=43.00, p=1.3 × 10–10. Running speed stim.control condition: center 38.06 cm/s [34.54,40.62], arms 58.12 cm/s [52.69,60.62]; Mann-Whitney test: U=30.00, p=1 × 10–10. Running speed no stim. condition: center 36.78 cm/s [33.72,41.01], arms 55.95 cm/s [53.39,59.50]; Mann-Whitney test: U=2.00, p=1 × 10–6. The running speed for each maze region is not significantly different across stimulation protocols (Kruskal-Wallis test, center: H=2.03, p=0.36, arms: H=4.14, p=0.13). (b) The average time per visit in the early (1-8), middle (9-17), and late (18-25) trials of a session is not significantly different in the disruption vs. control sessions (disruption: n=32, stim.control: n=31, no stim.: n=19). Time per visit in early trials, disruption 12.71 s [11.51,14.11], stim.control 12.49 s [11.41,14.02], no stim. 13.75 s [11.88,15.88]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=1.74, p=0.42. Time per visit in middle trials, disruption 13.15 s [11.62,16.20], stim.control 13.83 s [12.01,16.53], no stim. 15.00 s [12.87,19.01]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=2.25, p=0.32. Time per visit in late trials, disruption 14.73 s [12.77,17.00], stim.control 15.31 s [12.42,21.68], no stim. 15.87 s [13.04,20.90]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=1.52, p=0.47. (c) Left: distributions of the per-session z-scores for the fraction of (counter)clockwise trials (circularity) and stereotypy index. Z-scores are computed with respect to shuffle distributions (see methods) and do not change due to ripple disruption (Kruskal-Wallis test, circularity: H=0.37, p=0.83, stereotypy: H=0.85, p=0.65). The box shows the quartiles of the dataset while the whiskers extend to show the rest of the distribution. Right: example shuffle distribution (gray) and actual value (black line) for circularity and stereotypy in single session. (d) The average performance in the final trials of a session, split by arm configuration. Configuration IIa: Kruskal-Wallis test: H=1.58, p=0.45 (disruption: n=8, stim.control: n=8, no stim.: n=3) . Configuration IIb: Kruskal-Wallis test: H=1.13, p=0.57 (disruption: n=11, stim.control: n=15, no stim.: n=5). Configuration III: Kruskal-Wallis test: H=6.21, p=0.045 (disruption: n=11, stim.control: n=6, no stim.: n=9). Average number of visits in final trials, configuration IIa: disruption 4.73 [4.26,5.51], stim.control 4.26 [4.06,4.62], no stim. 4.77 [4.40,5.40]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=4.08, p=0.13. Configuration IIb: disruption 4.26 [4.11,4.47], stim.control 4.41 [4.19,4.73], no stim. 4.38 [4.08,4.80]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=0.87, p=0.65. Configuration III: disruption 4.42 [4.22,4.67], stim.control 4.10 [4.00,4.23], no stim. 4.40 [4.18,4.68]; H=6.07, p=0.048. Learning trial, configuration IIa: disruption 10.38 [7.25,14.88], stim.control 10.00 [7.38,15.88], no stim. 14.00 [6.00,25.00]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=0.40, p=0.82. Configuration IIb: disruption 12.18 [8.09,18.27], stim.control 9.00 [7.53,10.07], no stim. 8.80 [5.80,12.00]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=0.71, p=0.7. Configuration III: disruption 10.27 [7.36,16.66], stim.control 9.83 [6.33,14.67], no stim. 9.00 [6.33,11.44]; Kruskal-Wallis test: H=0.07, p=0.96. In b and d small dots represent results for individual sessions , large dots reflect the mean and 99%CI per stimulation protocol.