General description of individual effect sizes measured between biodiversity estimates and ecosystem functions (BEFs) in a riverine trophic chain.
(a) The magnitude and direction of individual effect sizes (Zr) of biodiversity is shown for each ecosystem functions as a biplot between Zr associated with genetic diversity (y-axis, genetic BEFs) measured for one of three target species (Alnus glutinosa, Gammarus sp. and Phoxinus dragarum) and Zr associated with species diversity (x-axis, species BEFs) measured for one of three trophic levels (trees, invertebrates and fish). For each ecosystem function (but the biomass of trees and of A. glutinosa), a total of six Zr are depicted in the biplot; four of them are associated with biodiversity measured at another trophic level than the one of the target functions (red symbols, e.g., effect of fish diversity on invertebrate biomass) and two of them are associated with biodiversity measured at the same trophic level than the one of the target functions (blue symbols, e.g., effect of fish diversity on fish biomass). The arrows indicate significant Zr (95% confidence intervals excluded 0, see Table S2); vertical arrows are for significant genetic BEFs, horizontal arrows are for species BEFs. White quadrats stand for situation in which genetic and species BEFs are in the same direction, whereas grey quadrats indicate situation in which genetic and species BEFs are in the opposite direction. Within each quadrat, sub-quadrats indicate the relative magnitude of BEFs, i.e., whether genetic BEFs are stronger, weaker or equal in magnitude than species BEFs. (b) Density plots displaying the distribution of individual Zr for species- and genetic BEFs (dotted and full lines respectively).