Overview of the experimental setup. Training Phase 1: Participants passively observed a stream of scenes made up of abstract shapes (lower panel). Unbeknown to the participants, shapes in the scene appeared only in pairs of fixed spatial configurations defined by the Inventory (upper panel). All pairs in Phase 1 had the same underlying structure of either horizontal or vertical orientation. The colors in the figure are only for illustration purposes; for the participants, all shapes were black. Break: After Phase 1, there was a break the length of which varied across the five experiments between two minutes and 24 hours. Participants spent the break either in asleep or awake condition. Training Phase 2: After the break, the participants were exposed to visual scenes made of a different set of abstract shapes. Half of the created pairs of the new inventory had horizontal, while the other half had vertical underlying structures. 2AFC Test Trials: After Phase 2, participants completed a series of 2AFC Test Trials, in which they had to decide if a real pair from the training phases or a foil pair, created by random combination of the shapes, was more familiar. Debriefing: Finally, participants answered open-ended questions about the experiment, which were used to assess whether they gained explicit knowledge about the presence of shape pairs.