SCS-shock contingency elicits jumping responses to white noise during CD2. A, Heatmap showing the percentage of the PA group that exhibited jumping to WN per trial on CD2. Jumping is distributed across 1 s bins, each coinciding with one of the ten pips of WN that occurred during each SCS presentation. B, Histogram detailing the cumulative distribution of jumps from 20 randomly selected subjects of the PA group across the duration of SCS from all 5 trials of CD2. Empty boxes represent each 0.5 s pip of tone, filled boxes represent each 0.5 s pip of WN, and striped boxes represent the 1 s shock stimulus. The vertical dotted lines depict the onset and termination of the WN period. Total jumps per stimulus are listed above histogram bars. C, Heatmap showing the percentage of the UN group that exhibited jumping responses to WN per trial on CD2. Jumping is distributed across 1 s bins, each coinciding with one of the ten pips of WN that occurred during each SCS presentation. D, Histogram detailing the cumulative distribution of jumps from the UN group across the duration of SCS from all 5 trials of CD2. Empty boxes represent each 0.5 s pip of tone, filled boxes represent each 0.5 s pip of WN, and striped boxes represent the 1 s shock stimulus. The vertical dotted lines depict the onset and termination of the WN period. ITI represents the period between SCS and shock. Total jumps per stimulus are listed above histogram bars. E, Dot plot showing the distribution of jumps across the duration of SCS from 20 randomly selected subjects of the PA group for each trial of CD2. Each dot represents a single jump event, and each tick on the x-axis represents the onset of each pip of tone or WN. The vertical dotted lines depict the onset of the WN period. F, Dot plot showing the distribution of jumps across the duration of SCS from the UN group for each trial of CD2. Each dot represents a single jump event, and each tick on the x-axis represents the onset of each pip of tone or WN. The vertical dotted lines depict the onset of the WN period. G, Survival graph showing when subjects of the PA and UN groups, represented as percentages of their respective cohorts, first exhibited jumping behavior to either portion of SCS. SCS, Serial compound stimulus; ITI, Inter-trial interval; CD2, Conditioning Day 2; WN, white noise; PA, Paired; UN, Unpaired.