Visual experience shapes functional connectivity between occipital and non-visual networks

  1. Center for Educational Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai 519087, China
  2. Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218
  3. Neuroimaging Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA
  4. Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Jessica Dubois
    Inserm Unité NeuroDiderot, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France
  • Senior Editor
    Tirin Moore
    Stanford University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

The present study evaluates the role of visual experience in shaping functional correlations between extrastriate visual cortex and frontal regions. The authors used fMRI to assess "resting-state" temporal correlations in three groups: sighted adults, congenitally blind adults, and neonates. Previous research has already demonstrated differences in functional correlations between visual and frontal regions in sighted compared to early blind individuals. The novel contribution of the current study lies in the inclusion of an infant dataset, which allows for an assessment of the developmental origins of these differences.

The main results of the study reveal that correlations between prefrontal and visual regions are more prominent in the blind and infant groups, with the blind group exhibiting greater lateralization. Conversely, correlations between visual and somato-motor cortices are more prominent in sighted adults. Based on these data, the authors conclude that visual experience plays an instructive role in shaping these cortical networks. This study provides valuable insights into the impact of visual experience on the development of functional connectivity in the brain.

The dissociations in functional correlations observed among the sighted adult, congenitally blind, and neonate groups provide strong support for the study's main conclusion regarding experience-driven changes in functional connectivity profiles between visual and frontal regions.

In general, the findings in sighted adult and congenitally blind groups replicate previous studies and enhance the confidence in the reliability and robustness of the current results.

Split-half analysis provides a good measure of robustness in the infant data.

There is some ambiguity in determining which aspects of these networks are shaped by experience.

This uncertainty is compounded by notable differences in data acquisition and preprocessing methods, which could result in varying signal quality across groups. Variations in signal quality may, in turn, have an impact on the observed correlation patterns.

The study's findings could benefit from being situated within a broader debate surrounding the instructive versus permissive roles of experience in the development of visual circuits.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

Tian et al. explore the developmental organs of cortical reorganization in blindness. Previous work has found that a set of regions in the occipital cortex show different functional responses and patterns of functional correlations in blind vs. sighted adults. In this paper, Tian et al. ask: how does this organization arise over development? Is the "starting state" more like the blind pattern, or more like the adult pattern? Their analyses reveal that the answer depends on the particular networks investigated; some functional connections in infants look more like blind than sighted adults; other functional connections look more like sighted than blind adults; and others fall somewhere in the middle, or show an altogether different pattern in infants compared with both sighted and blind adults.

The question raised in this paper is extremely important: what is the starting state in development for visual cortical regions, and how is this organization shaped by experience? This paper is among the first to examine this question, particularly by comparing infants not only with sighted adults but also blind adults, which sheds new light on the role of visual (and cross-modal) experience. Another clear strength lies in the unequivocal nature of many results. Many results have very large effect sizes, critical interactions between regions and groups are tested and found, and infant analyses are replicated in split halves of the data.

A central claim is that "infant secondary visual cortices functionally resemble those of blind more than sighted adults" (abstract, last paragraph of intro). I see two potential issues with this claim. First, a minor change: given the approaches used here, no claims should be made about the "function" of these regions, but rather their "functional correlations". Second (and more importantly), the claim that the secondary visual cortex in general resembles blind more than sighted adults is still not fully supported by the data. In fact, this claim is only true for one aspect of secondary visual area functional correlations (i.e., their connectivity to A1/M1/S1 vs. PFC). In other analyses, the infant secondary visual cortex looks more like sighted adults than blind adults (i.e., in within vs. across hemisphere correlations), or shows a different pattern from both sighted and blind adults (i.e., in occipito-frontal subregion functional connectivity). It is not clear from the manuscript why the comparison to PFC vs. non-visual sensory cortex is more theoretically important than hemispheric changes or within-PFC correlations (in fact, if anything, the within-PFC correlations strike me as the most important for understanding the development and reorganization of these secondary visual regions). It seems then that a more accurate conclusion is that the secondary visual cortex shows a mix of instructive effects of vision and reorganizing effects of blindness, albeit to a different extent than the primary visual cortex.

Relatedly, group differences in overall secondary visual cortex connectivity are particularly striking as visualized in the connectivity matrices shown in Figure S1. In the results (lines 105-112), it is noted that while the infant FC matrix is strongly correlated with both adult groups, the infant group is nonetheless more strongly correlated with the blind than sighted adults. I am concerned that these results might be at least partially explained by distance (i.e., local spread of the bold signal), since a huge portion of the variance in these FC matrices is driven by stronger correlations between regions within the same system (e.g., secondary-secondary visual cortex, frontal-frontal cortex), which are inherently closer together, relative to those between different systems (e.g., visual to frontal cortex). How do results change if only comparisons between secondary visual regions and non-visual regions are included (i.e., just the pairs of regions within the bold black rectangle on the figure), which limits the analysis to long-rang connections only? Indeed, looking at the off-diagonal comparisons, it seems that in fact there are three altogether different patterns here in the three groups. Even if the correlation between the infant pattern and blind adult pattern survives, it might be more accurate to claim that infants are different from both adult groups, suggesting both instructive effects of vision and reorganizing effects of blindness. It might help to show the correlation between each group and itself (across independent sets of subjects) to better contextualize the relative strength of correlations between the groups.

It is not clear that differences between groups should be attributed to visual experience only. For example, despite the title of the paper, the authors note elsewhere that cross-modal experience might also drive changes between groups. Another factor, which I do not see discussed, is possible ongoing experience-independent maturation. The infants scanned are extremely young, only 2 weeks old. Although no effects of age are detected, it is possible that cortex is still undergoing experience-independent maturation at this very early stage of development. For example, consider Figure 2; perhaps V1 connectivity is not established at 2 weeks, but eventually achieves the adult pattern later in infancy or childhood. Further, consider the possibility that this same developmental progression would be found in infants and children born blind. In that case, the blind adult pattern may depend on blindness-related experience only (which may or may not reflect "visual" experience per se). To deal with these issues, the authors should add a discussion of the role of maturation vs. experience and temper claims about the role of visual experience specifically (particularly in the title).

The authors measure functional correlations in three very different groups of participants and find three different patterns of functional correlations. Although these three groups differ in critical, theoretically interesting ways (i.e., in age and visual/cross-modal experience), they also differ in many uninteresting ways, including at least the following: sampling rate (TR), scan duration, multi-band acceleration, denoising procedures (CompCor vs. ICA), head motion, ROI registration accuracy, and wakefulness (I assume the infants are asleep).

Addressing all of these issues is beyond the scope of this paper, but I do feel the authors should acknowledge these confounds and discuss the extent to which they are likely (or not) to explain their results. The authors would strengthen their conclusions with analyses directly comparing data quality between groups (e.g., measures of head motion and split-half reliability would be particularly effective).

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

This study aimed to investigate whether the differences observed in the organization of visual brain networks between blind and sighted adults result from a reorganization of an early functional architecture due to blindness, or whether the early architecture is immature at birth and requires visual experience to develop functional connections. This question was investigated through the comparison of 3 groups of subjects with resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI). Based on convincing analyses, the study suggests that: 1) secondary visual cortices showed higher connectivity to prefrontal cortical regions (PFC) than to non-visual sensory areas (S1/M1 and A1) in sighted infants like in blind adults, in contrast to sighted adults; 2) the V1 connectivity pattern of sighted infants lies between that of sighted adults (stronger functional connectivity with non-visual sensory areas than with PFC) and that of blind adults (stronger functional connectivity with PFC than with non-visual sensory areas); 3) the laterality of the connectivity patterns of sighted infants resembled those of sighted adults more than those of blind adults, but sighted infants showed a less differentiated fronto-occipital connectivity pattern than adults.

- The question investigated in this article is important for understanding the mechanisms of plasticity during typical and impaired development, and the approach considered, which compares different groups of subjects including, neonates/infants and blind adults, is highly original.

- Overall, the analyses considered are solid and well-detailed. The results are quite convincing, even if the interpretation might need to be revised downwards, as factors other than visual experience may play a role in the development of functional connections with the visual system.

- While it is informative to compare the "initial" state (close to birth) and the "final" states in blind and sighted adults to study the impact of post-natal and visual experience, this study does not analyze the chronology of this development and when the specialization of functional connections is completed. This would require investigating when experience-dependent mechanisms are important for the setting- establishment of multiple functional connections within the visual system. This could be achieved by analyzing different developmental periods in the same way, using open databases such as the Baby Connectome Project. Given the early, "condensed" maturation of the visual system after birth, we might expect sighted infants to show connectivity patterns similar to those of adults a few months after birth.

- The rationale for mixing full-term neonates and preterm infants (scanned at term-equivalent age) from the dHCP 3rd release is not understandable since preterms might have a very different development related to prematurity and to post-natal (including visual) experience. Although the authors show that the difference between the connectivity of visual and other sensory regions, and the one of visual and PFC regions, do not depend on age at birth, they do not show that each connectivity pattern is not influenced by prematurity. Simply not considering the preterm infants would have made the analysis much more robust, and the full-term group in itself is already quite large compared with the two adult groups. The current study setting and the analyses performed do not seem to be an adequate and sufficient model to ascertain that "a few weeks of vision after birth is ... insufficient to influence connectivity".

In a similar way, excluding the few infants with detected brain anomalies (radiological scores higher or equal to 4) would strengthen the group homogeneity by focusing on infants supposed to have a rather typical neurodevelopment. The authors quote all infants as "sighted" but this is not guaranteed as no follow-up is provided.

The post-menstrual age (PMA) at scan of the infants is also not described. The methods indicate that all were scanned at "term-equivalent age" but does this mean that there is some PMA variability between 37 and 41 weeks? Connectivity measures might be influenced by such inter-individual variability in PMA, and this could be evaluated.

- The rationale for presenting results on the connectivity of secondary visual cortices before one of the primary cortices (V1) was not clear to understand. Also, it might be relevant to better justify why only the connectivity of visual regions to non-visual sensory regions (S1-M1, A1) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) was considered in the analyses, and not the ones to other brain regions.

- In relation to the question explored, it might be informative to reposition the study in relation to what others have shown about the developmental chronology of structural and functional long-distance and short-distance connections during pregnancy and the first postnatal months.

- The authors acknowledge the methodological difficulties in defining regions of interest (ROIs) in infants in a similar way as adults. The reliability and the comparability of the ROIs positioning in infants is definitely an issue. Given that brain development is not homogeneous and synchronous across brain regions (in particular with the frontal and parietal lobes showing delayed growth), the newborn brain is not homothetic to the adult brain, which poses major problems for registration. The functional specialization of cortical regions is incomplete at birth. This raises the question of whether the findings of this study would be stable/robust if slightly larger or displaced regions had been considered, to cover with greater certainty the same areas as those considered in adults. And have other cortical parcellation approaches been considered to assess the ROIs robustness (e.g. MCRIB-S for full-terms)?

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation