Behavioral errors in time estimation can be attributed to miscalculation in scaling the mPFC sequences.
A. Representative trajecotries of neuronal activities from correct (spring colored) and incorrect (winter colored) trials. The red and green curves indicate averaged trajectories from incorrect and correct trials, respectively.
B. Scatter plot of the trajectories lengths from individual trials, plotted against trial durations.
C. Quantification of averaged correct and incorrect trajectory lengths. N = 5 rats. Paired t test, *: p<0.05.
D. Scatter plots of the first 3 dimensions of a partial least-square (PLS) regression model between neuron activities and normalized trial time.
E. Violin plot of the variable importance for projection (VIP) scores derived from the PLS regression in A. Two-tailed t test, ***: p<0.0001.
F. Quantification of the explained variance in the normalized time by neuron activities from duration cells or start and end cells. Dashed line indicated explained variance from all cells. Data are represented as mean ± S.D. Two-tailed t test, *: p<0.05. n = 5 rats.
G. Diagram of the scaling factor calculation process based on individual cell activities.
H. Scatter plot of the single-cell level scaling factor plotted against trial durations.
I. Diagram of the scaling factor calculation process based on population cell activities.
J. Scatter plot of the population level scaling factor plotted against trial durations.
K and L. Quantification of the averaged scaling factors on single-cell (K) or population (L) level. N = 5 rats. Two-tailed t test, **: p<0.01.
M. Representative model prediction of normalized trial time for correct trials and incorrect trials. Each segment indicated on trial. The GPR model was trained on balanced correct and incorrect trials.
N. Quantification of GPR model performance for predicting different types of trials. In each group the model was trained on one type of trials and tested on the same trial type. Data are presented as mean ± S.D. One-way ANOVA test, n.s., not significant.
O. Scatter plots of cumulative prediction errors and actual trial duration. Correct and incorrect trials were colored differently but both by trial densities. There is a cluster of incorrect trials with below 0 cumulative errors and one for correct trials above 0. The insert shows the same data from the region in the box with a trend line color-coded with the trial densities.